A PROPHETIC BLESSING GIVEN BY PASTOR OF CHURCH OF HIS PRESENCE JOHN A. KILPATRICK JANUARY 18, 2015 These are the Days of Elijah, and the Lord is now turning the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers. I bless you with discernment to recognize that these indeed are the days of the manifestation of the sons of God. In this hour, they will be revealed and demonstrated. In Romans 8:19 we read, “For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.” The Lord would remind you, as it says in John 14:18 in the Living Bible, that He “will not abandon you or leave you as orphans in the storm.” WORD OF THE LORD Although these are great days of trial, I have never and will never leave you nor forsake you. I am your ever-present help in times of trouble. As I was with My people, Israel, as they prepared for their exit from Egypt, I will surely demonstrate some of the greatest miracles that have ever been witnessed in human history as your exit draws near. I blessed them with health, with protection and with wealth from the wicked Egyptians. I brought them forth as a peculiar people—called out and separated. Did I not even manifest My glory to them in the wilderness place? Did they lack food, shelter or clothing? The surrounding nations feared them and acknowledged that they were the heritage of the Most High Jehovah God. Shall I not do the same for My people in this hour of great trial? They were a forewarned and prepared people. Every detail was planned and proclaimed by My servants. So shall it be in these days. I already know the end from the beginning, and I have planned for your safe passage. Have I not declared in My Word in Psalm 91 that thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor for any pestilence that stalks the darkness. I say thousands shall fall all around you, but it shall not come nigh unto you. You shall see the reward of the wicked. Because you have made the Lord your refuge, no evil shall befall you; and no plague will come nigh to your dwelling. I have already assigned My angels to deliver you and give you safe passage to keep you in all your ways. I will not leave you without guidance. I promised in My Word that My Holy Spirit, whom I sent to the earth, will guide you. You will not be perplexed. You will be led. You will not go hungry, but you will be fed. I am the Lord, and I change not! Read again in My Word how I cared for My prophets and My called out people in every hour of great trial. Be comforted that I will care for you, instruct you and teach you in the way in which you shall go. As the Psalmist said, I will guide you with My eye. Many sorrows shall be to the wicked, but he that trusts in Me shall have mercy compass him about. Be assured, My people, as the Prophet Jeremiah declared, I already have plans for you. My plan is to prosper you and not harm you; My plans are to give you a hope and a future! A PROPHETIC BLESSING I bless you to rest knowing He has plans for you, and nothing will lack concerning those plans. Nothing will go undone. Nothing will escape His attention concerning you. Now is the time to draw near unto Him, for He is drawing near unto you. If you seek Him, you will surely find Him. If Rahab and her family received assurance for their safety due to a scarlet cord from her window, how much greater assurance should you have because of the precious blood that was shed by the Lamb of God, who shall soon debut as a Lion that roars against the enemies of God’s predetermined plan. He shall deliver, and none shall pluck you from His hand. As the Prophet Isaiah has declared, Yea, the Lord shall go forth as a mighty man. He shall stir up jealousy like a man of war. He will cry, yea He shall roar; and He shall prevail against His enemies. He has a long time been silent. He has restrained Himself, but now He will give full vent to His wrath. He will groan as a woman in travail delivering a child. He will bring blind Israel along a path they have not been before. He will make the darkness bright before them, and He will smooth the road ahead. He will not forsake Israel. I bless you for the Lord to provide a divine shield around you as He did the three Hebrew children in the fire that was heated seven times hotter. They emerged with not one hair singed or the smell of smoke on them. I speak over you that you shall be shielded from acts of terror. If they take place, you will not be there. Holy Spirit will schedule you away from that location. Your steps are indeed ordered. I speak that you shall be shielded from any and all explosions, sabotage, physical attacks, or plots against you and your well-being. As terror was falling all over Egypt, and the death angel was stalking the land at midnight, Israel emerged from the catastrophe with no loss of life; and their property, as well as their animals, were insulated. They all escaped judgement... So shall it be for you and your house. I speak that your places of employment and businesses will be under the covering of the Almighty. They will become sanctuaries and places of refuge in these dangerous and perilous days. I bless your children and your young people to recognize that they are under angelic surveillance on the school bus, at the school house and in colleges and universities. God’s angels will see to it that they are safe. It is the Lord’s promise. Be blessed in 2015, a year of great signs—blood moons and an appointed Shemitah year. Rest assured—the Lord is with you, and He shall go with you. Nothing shall make you afraid. I bless you with faith to believe it and to receive it. I bless you in Jesus’ Name!
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 03:55:46 +0000

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