“A Poor Mind Has No Options And Sees No Options - TopicsExpress


“A Poor Mind Has No Options And Sees No Options Either” I. It is sort of like how I was informed by a warrior once one day, who did not mind fighting at all, when this warrior told me that in order to hurt someone then you must hit them very, very hard one good time in one spot. Only to injure that person, (that goes beyond hurting that person), then you are to hit them in the same exact spot; as you hit them many, many times in the same exact spot over and over again. And, as he said, “That means whether you hit one physically like that or mentally like that or both because either way it doesn’t really matter as the same damage to one’s goods is going to be done”. He said, “And that…is what battle is and what battle is all about too”! I looked right in his eyes when he finished his…thesis and I replied when I said, “Really…that was an interesting piece of information. And to be honest with you I have to tell you the same thing that I have told some preachers and some psychologist and some “gurus” that were all salesmen too, which is that you kind of…sound like a pimp to me, in other words? Only how true it is, and what better way to create “a poor mind”, through manufactured thinking, other than to beat into one’s mind that they have no more options, which is what a poor and beat down man/woman truly believes too. II. And what else distinguishes a spiritually rich mind from a spiritually poor mind; whether one has cash money, and/or credit that is better than cash money, or neither? Those who are aware that they have options (which is what a rich man truly is)-vs-those who feel that they have no options at all left here (which is what a poor man with a poor mind really is) is the difference between a rich mind and a poor one…It is options that are available and options that can be seen... Manufactured thinking is manufactured into your mind through your habitual thinking, which is what your mind is always doing. And when one’s mind thinks, through habitual thinking, that they have no more options left then poverty has already settled within one’s consciousness like “a spiritual cancer” that will…take over one’s mind that travels everywhere with them. And that is why these simple words must never be forgotten, within one’s habitual thinking mind, which is “to never travel the same path twice” because then you’ll travel it again and again and so on and so on. Only to become “a narrow minded genius”, in the same one process, who puts oneself on punishment like a child who has been put on punishment… It is when one childishly sticks their nose into a corner, within a room, only to call the corner that they have their nose stuck in the entire room itself. And, because what “one sees” is what one believes, who does anybody…really think they are to question their heartfelt beliefs? …Right? As that scapegoating, within itself, is not only a poor man’s response but is a poor mind in very essence too… III. The Point: Who says not to question my beliefs other than foolish people who already know that their beliefs are foolish to begin with? One’s Beliefs: Never stick your nose into a corner only to call what “you see” the entire room itself. One’s Habitual Thinking: Never travel the same path twice, within your habitual thinking, because then you will travel “it” again and again, which is the sleepwalking in unconscious unawareness. And One’s Spiritual Realm: You are truly poor and you will behave like it too when/if you ever feel that you are out of options and really cannot see any more options for you to choose from. As there are always…more options whether you see them…or not. Therefore, always question your own beliefs that more than likely do not make any common sense at all. As common sense is everything, and as everything…is even still common sense too. And it is always and forever...
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 21:27:43 +0000

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