A Sufi fakir was in his hut with his wife, just getting ready to - TopicsExpress


A Sufi fakir was in his hut with his wife, just getting ready to go to sleep. The hut was very small. Somebody knocked on the door -- it was raining, and the Sufi said to his wife, Open the door. Somebody is outside and it is raining. The wife said, But there is no space -- only enough for us two to sleep. There is not enough space here. The Sufi said, There is always space, just the heart is needed. Open the door, I say to you, open the door. When the husband said that, the wife reluctantly opened the door. A man came in. The wife then asked the husband, What shall we do? He said, Nothing is a problem. Two can sleep, three can sit. For sitting there is enough space, so we will sit and gossip. That traveler may have something to say to us, many stories to tell -- we will enjoy the night! Just then somebody knocked on the door. The guest was sitting by the side of the door so the fakir said, Please open the door, somebody is outside. The guest said, But there is not enough space; it is already crowded. Let him go. The fakir said, No. That was the argument of my wife about you too: Let him go. If we had not opened the door you would have had to travel in the rain through the forest. It is a dangerous night -- l dont think you would have survived or reached to town alive. Open the door! The guest opened the door, but very reluctantly. This is how the human mind functions. He could not even think that he was just a guest, he was not the owner. The man, the second man, came in, and the guest said to the fakir, Now what are you going to do? He said, We three were sitting comfortably, we four will sit a little uncomfortably. Just come closer -- make space for the fourth one. They sat closely together; now it was completely packed. And then there was a strange knock on the door; it didnt seem to be coming from a human hand. The fakir said, I know who is there -- just open the door. The new guest was now seated close to the door. He said, No, I am not going to open the door. There is no space, we are overcrowded. I am the person closest to the door and I will not allow anybody to open it. Where is the space? The fakir said, You should understand one thing clearly: I am the owner; I allowed you in but I can throw you out. We were sitting comfortably at ease; because of you we are sitting uncomfortably. Now we will be standing. Let him come in -- nobody can be turned out while there is any space. I am saying we can stand; we will not sit, and so space will be created. What could the guest do? -- he had to open the door. And they were all surprised: a donkey entered.... The guests said to the fakir, Is this donkey also going to be here? He said, If you can be here.... Who are you? He is my old friend, we are old acquaintances; he often comes when it rains. You have never come before -- I can throw you out, but not him. And he is a poor animal. You may find some way to save yourself, but where can he go? Let him stand just in the middle of all of us. We will stand around the donkey and he can stand in the middle. We can enjoy ourselves talking, and once in a while he will join in also. He said, Remember one thing: this is a poor mans hut, not a kings palace. In a kings palace there is no space. Although the palace is big there is no space because the heart is not there. Here space is very limited, but the heart is unlimited. The Red Indians are the owners of this land, but they have been put into reservations and forests. Those are prisons without walls -- and very subtle prisons because the prisoners are paid money. They gamble, they fight, they drink, and they kill each other. They are very rowdy people because what else can they do? And money goes on being poured on them: more children, more money. So they go on producing more children and getting more money and getting more drunk. It is really a crime. It has nothing to do with humanity or humanitarian ideals. And these people who have simply taken over their land, they are deciding whether new guests should enter or not. It is strange. Who are they to decide? Who has given them the authority to decide? This land is not theirs. Somebody is Italian, somebody is French, somebody is English, somebody is Greek, somebody is German, somebody is Spanish -- they should all go back to their lands. We are the only people who are landless, because we dont belong to any country. We dont call any country our motherland or our fatherland -- we dont believe in dads and mums. The whole world is ours -- we dont claim small things. And movement is mans birthright: he can move anywhere he wants, he is not doing any crime by moving. But if anybody has to go, then it should be the old tourists. Now the old tourists are trying to bring a bill against me in parliament. I am going to speak to parliament, they should remember, and just alone I am going to tell them, You are all deported, because you have toured enough -- simple logic! New people should come in. And we promise that when more new people come we will deport ourselves, there is no problem. But let us at least tour enough. The mind that Karl Marx had was certainly very talented. He created a worldwide movement -- certainly he outdid Jesus. This is just Jewish competition. It is nobodys business really, just Jews competing. Freud created a worldwide movement for psychoanalysis, but Marx is on the top. Almost half the world is communist now -- but not rich, very poor. You can see it in Germany. Just beyond the wall is the communist world. Of the same Berlin which was destroyed in the Second World War, half has remained free and democratic, and half has been taken over by the communists. The half that has remained independent, free and capitalist, is rich: skyscrapers, beautiful roads, everything. It is as if the Second World War has never happened. In the free West Berlin, the second world war has not left even a trace; in fact the war has done something really good because all the old, dilapidated, rotten things finished and everything is fresh and new. West Berlin is now the most modern, youngest and freshest city in the whole world. And on the other side it is dark and dismal, as if the Second World War just ended yesterday; people are living in dilapidated barracks. It is a beautiful contrast to see what communism can do and what capitalism can do. Not a single skyscraper has arisen on the communist part, not a single new building, not a single new road, no new factory -- no creativity. Yes, they have distributed the wealth -- they have made the rich poor. And now the poor are not in a position to create wealth again. The whole of Russia is poor, the whole of China is poor. Yes, one thing is missing; there are no rich people. Communism is based on a fallacious idea: the equality of man. Man is not equal. The second idea is significant; but my interpretation of it is right, not what Marx said. The second idea says, Equal opportunity for all. Thats how it should be -- equal opportunity for all, but remembering that everybody is unique, so everybody is going to use the equal opportunity to be very different from each other. The ultimate result is going to be individuals so different from each other that you cannot conceive. According to Marx equal opportunity means they will be all equal: equally wealthy, equally intelligent, equally healthy. That is sheer nonsense, because your parents were not my parents; you have different genes and different programs in your body. Now, there is no way to change the genes, the program -- and small things make a difference. So equal opportunity is a good idea and we should try it as far as humanly practical. But you should not be fanatic about it, because if you want perfect equality of opportunity then you are an idiot; that is not possible. Just let me give you simple examples: if you are the eldest son in the family, then the youngest son in the family cannot have the same opportunity as the eldest, there is no way. Because you were the first to come, of course you received your mother and your fathers love more because you were a novelty; then other children started coming and it was not anything new. The second boy was born, but he is going to be second. The eldest son in all the cultures is going to inherit the fathers money. Why? It is not accidental: he got more love than anybody else, and he was the first to come. Then the last son will also have a different status because he will be the smallest, favored by all, protected by all, all the brothers, the whole family. But the middle ones, they are nowhere: neither on this pole nor on that pole. They will not get the same attention as the first and the last. The last will become the favorite child of the family because now no more are coming; the last guest has come. How can you give all equal opportunities? Either you will have to arrange births simultaneously so that a mother gives birth to twelve children simultaneously -- equal opportunity. But from the very beginning there is no equal opportunity. When a woman gets pregnant, neither she nor her husband are aware that there has been a car race; nobody is aware. When the sperms travel towards the egg it is just as in any race: they all stand in one line waiting for the third whistle, and then they run. The mothers cell, the egg in the mothers womb, is waiting and the cells from the fathers body, as they explode into the mothers body, start a great race -- millions of sperms trying to reach the egg first. Whosoever reaches is the winner; all others will die. It is a question of life and death. It is no ordinary race in which you are only defeated and next time.... There is no next time -- only a single opportunity for millions of alive cells. Only one makes it, because this is how it works. The mothers egg has a natural capacity so that once one male sperm has entered it, it closes. The others go on knocking around but within two hours they will all be dead. There are losses all the way. And the way is not so small as you think, because for those small cells it is close to two miles, proportionately. If they were of your proportions then the passage would be two miles. And a great job they do, a marathon race! Of course, the strongest reaches. Sometimes it happens that two reach at the same time -- thats why twins are born -- or three reach. Even nine children have been known to be born, because nine may have reached simultaneously; then they all enter the door because they are all entering at the same time. After they enter the doors close. But it rarely happens that nine reach. One guy is clever enough that somehow he manages to reach first. They all start almost at the same time, but from there, from the very impregnation, opportunities are different. Nobody knows those who have died, what kind of people they were. Somebody may have been an Albert Einstein, somebody a Ravi Shankar, somebody a Michelangelo. Nobody knows about those poor people who simply died in the first race and were not given any other chance. And then small things in the life of the child.... You cannot make them equal. For example, when Napoleon Bonaparte was six months old, his nurse, who was taking care of him, had just left him for a moment and a wild cat jumped onto Napoleon, put both his paws on his chest, and looked into his eyes. Immediately the nurse came back and chased the cat away, but Napoleon, for his whole life, remained afraid of cats. He was not afraid of lions, he could have wrestled barehanded with a lion -- there was no problem about it -- but before a cat he simply became a nervous wreck. Napoleon was defeated only once -- his whole life was a life of victory. Just once he was defeated -- by a British general who knew about his weakness. The general had gone with seventy cats ahead of him. Seeing seventy cats, Napoleon lost all nerve, he forgot all about what to do and what not to do. It was not a victory by the general, it was a victory by the cats. How can you manage to give equal opportunities to all? Now, if such a small incident can prove so fatal.... Napoleon was a brave warrior before anybody, but nothing before a cat. The English general does not count at all, but he became victorious just by using a little psychology, just knowing about Napoleon s weakness -- that when he saw a cat he could not think, he simply became frozen. And when Napoleon was in that nervous state, of course his whole army was at a loss; they had lost the man who was their life, their light and their guide. Now, how can you manage equal opportunity for all children of the world? Thats absolutely impossible. So dont try to take the communist idea to its logical end -- then it becomes absurd. Yes, with my interpretation -- and my interpretation is that everybody should be given opportunities to be educated, opportunities to get food, opportunities to get clothes, opportunities to do anything that a person wants to do. There should be no discrimination about it: opportunity should be given to everybody according to his talent and everybody according to his potentiality. But that is not happening in communism. In the name of equal opportunities everybody is forced to remain at the lowest denominator, because only there can you keep them equal. If you want them to be equal on a higher level, then you need more riches, more wealth -- and that is missing. In the sixty years since the Russian Revolution, the Russians have not been able to produce any wealth to make Russia rich. Equal opportunity is available, but what do you do with equal opportunity? You need people who can use these opportunities; and they dont need similar opportunities, they need different opportunities, equally different opportunities. I am against communism because it is only a negative philosophy. I am all for commune-ism. That should be the right word: commune-ism. A commune is respectful of every individuals uniqueness, respectful of every individuals talent, and tries to help his talent grow, help him grow towards his potential. I want communes all over the world, so that slowly nations can disappear, and there are only communes: living, small units of humanity, totally, joyously helping everybody to be himself. Marx proposes the dictatorship of the proletariat, the dictatorship of the poor. That is stupid. They are poor, and if they are in power they will make everybody poor. What else can they do? I propose the dictatorship of the enlightened ones. Nobody has proposed it up to now. And sometimes out of my crazy mind.... This idea I have carried my whole life -- dictatorship of the enlightened ones, because if it is of enlightened ones it cannot be dictatorship. It is a contradiction in terms. The enlightened person cannot be a dictator like Joseph Stalin or Adolf Hitler. Yes, the enlightened person can dictate to you, but out of his love, not out of his power -- he has no power -- out of his insight, because he has eyes to see and to feel the potential of people. His dictates can only be thought of as suggestions, advice, guidelines. Only in the dictatorship of the enlightened ones is there a possibility of a real, authentic democracy and also the real flowering of commune-ism: Equality by distributing riches, not poverty; destroying poverty from the very roots, and raising everybody upwards to be rich. My commune-ism is a higher state of capitalism. Marxs communism is against capitalism: My commune-ism is capable of absorbing capitalism into it, using it as a tool, as a stepping-stone. OSHO : From Personality to Individuality, Chapter 2
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 03:01:41 +0000

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