A beautiful Dua, my husband just shared it with me and I would - TopicsExpress


A beautiful Dua, my husband just shared it with me and I would like to share it with all of you.... O Allah, oh my Rabb, I turn to you in repentance, in submission. I beg you..... - forgive my sins, a complete forgiveness that leaves no trace - forgive my transgressions of Your commands & the violations of the rights of people - grant me victory over my shortcomings, during and after Ramadaan - reform and updrade me O Allah. Accept my duaas, ibadah & deeds - O Allah bless me with witnessing Laylatul Qadr - guide me towards performing good, accepted deeds for Your sake only - help me to gain khushu & ikhlaas in my ibadah - help me to get closer to you as my end draws near - make me love You, Your Prophet (pbuh), Your deen, Your Quraan the way it deserves to be loved - increase my emaan, tawakkul, yakeen in You - increase me in Taqwa - make me of your grateful slaves - give me strength to be steadfast throughout the trials I encounter - grant me a soft heart, content with Your laws - make the Quraan my companion in both worlds - guide me to the siraat ul mustaqeem until my last breath, never to be deviated in shirk, kufr or bidah (big/small) - increase me in beneficial knowledge - make me pleased with Your Qadr for me - protect me from sickness of the heart (envy, arrogance, show off etc) - Bless me with happiness in this dunya, protect me from sadness & depression - remove the love of this world from my heart - invite me to Your house to worship You Ya Rabb, grant me a good end. - make my grave a peaceful, cool abode - grant me the shade of Your Arsh on Yawmul Qiyaamah - give me my record of deeds in my right hand and make my scales heavy with good deeds - favour me O Rabb the ultimate bliss of seeing you in the Hereafter - shield, increase &protect the love/mercy/barakah between my spouse & I for as long as we live - improve our behaviour with each other - reward my spouse Your best reward for his/her striving for the family - strengthen our practice of deen together - make us join together in bliss in jannat ul firdos Oh Allah, assist us with physical & emotional strength to be good parents & examples to our children - save our children from the impact of our mistakes in their lives - bless us with righteousness children - make our children the coolness of our eyes and make them sawaab jaariyah for me & my spouse - make them of those who establish Salah and prostrate only to You - protect my family from evil, calamities, enviers & shayateen, from man & jinn - protect our children from harm, sickness, disbelief, haraam & destruction - grant our children success in Deen, duniya and Aakhirah - O Allah, save me & my entire family from the Fire & make us enter Jannat ul firdos without being accounted O Allah, forgive my parents - elevate their ranks and grant them jannat ul firdos - make me the coolness of their eyes - protect them from illness & difficulties of old age - forgive the sins of those who have passed away in my family and the Ummah Save us from the trials of Dajjal, Yajuj & Majuj & the last day - grant my family & friends who are waiting, the gift of children - unite the hearts of those undergoing family/marital difficulties - grant Your perfect cure to those who are sick - protect my brothers & sisters across the warzones; from persecution, rape, slaughter, humiliation - relieve their suffering & elevate their ranks - bring the downfall of oppressors - relieve those who are deprived, burdened, oppressed, in debt Ya Allah, answer our duaas in Ramadaan. You are the All Hearing, All Knowing O Allah send Your blessing & Salaam on our beloved Prophet (pbuh), his entire household, companions & those who follow him till the last day Ameen, Ya Rab Al alameen
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 19:33:06 +0000

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