A considerable amount has been written about Obama’s - TopicsExpress


A considerable amount has been written about Obama’s controversial appointees, to the federal bench and to key cabinet seats. Most of the scrutiny has settled on the Obama administration’s deficiency in vetting each candidate by their qualifications, however, that is not really the main the issue. On the contrary, the administration did scrutinize meticulously and they selected each person specifically. When a regime repeatedly nominates radical-left characters, it’s not a vetting mistake – it’s a deliberate pattern. Case in point is Matthew S. Butler former CEO of the notorious, Soros-funded, online news outlet Media Matters for America - an organization well known for their shallow, one-sided faux journalism – and a recent nominee to the Election Assistance Commission. The EAC is a supposed to be a bipartisan federal commission, started in 2004, to help address election management problems such as those so infamously displayed in Florida during the 2000 election cycle. The office generates standards for voting machines, performs national research surveys, and perhaps most important, maintains the federal voter registration form. For years, Mr. Butler led Media Matters in their unyielding mission to ruin the pro-liberty crusade through its dispersion of fabricated statistics about conservative associations and businesses. According to his self-posted online résumé, Mr. Butler has never held a job in election administration – or even public service for that matter. Butler did work in the John Kerry and Christopher Dodd presidential campaigns, however, where voting regulations or the administration of constituent registration and elections are concerned, his involvement is sorely deficient. He has been a leader and organizer of the progressive movement and the fabricator-in-chief of Media Matters when it was a casual media manipulation annex of the White House and the Justice Department. For example, as reported by Matthew Boyle in 2012 – an investigative reporter – the administration was working with Media Matters “in an attempt to quell news stories about scandals plaguing [Eric] Holder and America’s top law enforcement agency,” involving Media Matters “to attack reporters” at Townhall, Breitbart, The Daily Caller, Fox News, and National Review. So, true to form, this is exactly the right man according to the President to be “nominated” for a seat on the EAC – the least qualified – just like Mr. Obama. Following the Presidents logic behind his appointees, we should have the nation’s most wanted criminal as head of the D.O.J., the world’s most notorious terrorist heading the FBI, and the nation’s least learned professor heading the Dept. of Ed (hypothetically speaking), but in reality it’s worse. Just how does one even begin to understand how the President would place people into positions that seem like placing the proverbial fox in the chicken coop? Perhaps the appointment of a man to the position of Treasury Secretary, a man who owed back taxes, should have been a red flag. Read more at patriotupdate/articles/butler-voting-booth/
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 23:51:02 +0000

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