A few days ago I received a private message from someone called - TopicsExpress


A few days ago I received a private message from someone called Paulette Rebelo Contessi who was dissatisfied with my “one-sided” posts and my apparent lack of historical knowledge of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I am going to respond to you here, Paulette. AS YOU CAN SEE FROM THIS MAP ISRAEL WAS NOT GIVEN ALL THE LAND IT HAS NOW.. THEY HAVE KILLED THOUSANDS TO GET IT IT BASIC TERMS, I LIKE MY HOUSE BUT I WANT MORE SO IM GOING TO YOUR HOUSE KILL YOU & YOUR FAMILY TO GET IT! ---- Where do you start after reading the above? WOW, you got it so wrong, it’s like 180 degrees wrong. Where did you study, Palestine? Maybe Iran? Where they teach that Jews eat Christian babies? 1. In November 1947 UN passed a resolution to form two states dividing the geographical region and the British mandate called Palestine inhabited by Jews and Arabs into two states. 2. The day after Israel was established on 14 May 1948, instead of forming a Palestinian Arab state along- side Israel, seven Arab armies with the support of the Palestinian Arabs marched on the newly created Israeli state. The Arabs had no intention, unlike Israelis, of creating a Palestinian state. The only intention was a. Destroy Israel and “sweep the Jews into the sea” b. Annex Palestine for themselves 3. Israel beat them back. Jordan retained control of the West Bank and Egypt of Gaza. NO Palestinian state was established by the Arabs. Notably, in 1949, all Arab countries that participated in the invasion signed an Armistice agreement apart from the Palestinians and Iraq 4. 15 wars in 66 years have been brought on Israel all of which it has won (where winning really means surviving since the goal of the aggressors in each case is the destruction of Israel). Most notably, in 1967 The 6-Day War broke out as a result of Egypt and Jordan amassing troops on their borders readying for an attack, Syria attacking civilian targets from Golan Heights and consistent Palestinian terrorism coming from the West Bank. As a result of the war Israel took a. Gaza and all of Sinai from Egypt, later returning Sinai in exchange for peace b. West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan c. Strategic Golan Heights from Syria to prevent further attacks It is ISRAEL that has attempted time and time again to form a Palestinian state in order to satisfy the Palestinian Arabs. But unfortunately, the Palestinians want too much or don’t want peace at all… In case of Hamas, they will not stop until Israel is destroyed. The territories Israel is holding in West Bank are for security reasons – do I have to explain why? Israel has evacuated settlements, kicking their own people out of their homes twice in the past. Once when Egypt signed the peace treaty with Israel in 1979 now considered one of the few foundations for peace in the Middle East and for the second time when it unilaterally withdrew from Gaza in 2005. What a mistake that was – to create an immediate mini terror state that it is, through Palestinian continued support for terrorism and inability to recognise Israel’s right to exist. Israel has time and time again offered solutions that involved moving to pre-67 borders and forming a demilitarized Palestinian state but the Palestinians have never accepted. Perhaps you need a little perspective & a history lesson... The State of Israel was proclaimed on 14 May 1948, the culmination of nearly 2,000 years of hopes by Jewish people that they would one day return to the land from which the Romans expelled them. THIS WAS ANCIENT HISTORY & NO FAULT OF THE ARAB NATIONS! ----- What have Arab nations got to do with this? Israel has never brought on a war onto another sovereign Arab nation – that’s a fact. It has tried to make peace with every Arab nation for 66 years. Oh I know why you say this… You must believe that it is an insult to ALL Arab nations that Israel exists? You don’t think this is a “little” bit anti-Semitic? Israel exists because the world has decided that the region populated by Arabs and Jews called Palestine should be the national home for two peoples. The Palestinians have rejected every initiative and have supported every war against Israel. The Balfour Declaration by the British government in 1917, enshrined in a League of Nations mandate in 1920, had said that a national home for the Jewish people would be founded in Palestine, while preserving the civil and religious rights of non-Jewish communities there. (NEVER HAPPENED!) ----- You obviously live in la-la land. I know! Maybe Iraq is where you went to school! Israel is the only democratic country in the Middle East. Just like Australia. Israel supports the rights of all religions. It has a large Arab population and has Arab Members of Parliament. Its second national language is Arabic. It protects all places of historical value for Jews, Muslims and Christians, unlike many of its Arab counter parties. If you have ever actually been to Israel, or at least read about it, you will see that no religion is persecuted and in fact protected and everyone has equal rights. EVERY SINGLE Arab living in Israel is infinitely safer and arguably better off (besides having Hamas rockets rained on them) than living outside of Israel under oppressive theocratic Islamic regimes where one’s life is not worth a dime – Muslim OR Jew. On 29 November 1947, the United Nations General Assembly voted (resolution 181) to partition Palestine between a Jewish and an Arab state, with Jerusalem under an international regime. They called the declaration of the State of Israel al-Nakba, the catastrophe. ------ I think you are referring to the Arabs calling it the “catastrophy”. Of course they would – who wants to live next to “sons of apes and pigs”, which is what Jews are often referred to in the Middle East. By 1949, the Israelis had extended their territory, leaving Jordan with the West Bank, Egypt with Gaza and Jerusalem divided. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians had fled or had been driven out. ----- I have covered this one above but for simplicity - that’s what happens during war. A war Israel never started. STOP POSTING SUCH ONE SIDED IGNORANT STATEMENTS ----- Ok....
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 06:04:26 +0000

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