A great man of reason, heart and intelligence and sane! Not these - TopicsExpress


A great man of reason, heart and intelligence and sane! Not these insane, unevolved, unenlightened, un-American, pathological lying, fear mongerering, warmongering, sociopathic/psychopathic, PHONY patriots, PHONY Republicans and PHONY raging hypocritical Christian Right FASCIST AMERICAN TRAITORS/AMERICAN MAFIA/DOMESTIC TERRORISTS per Harry Reid, erroneously called the Republican party...NOT real Republicans and TRUE patriots like HONEST Abe Lincoln, TR and IKE...BIG difference! Since theyre the ones that are anti-healthcare and have been ever since the 1930s...and dont want anyone to have OBAMACARE aka ACA which weve had here in liberal MA for 8 years now and DOES work and yes, we DO get to pick our own doctors, Im sure they couldnt care less if everyone got Ebola and died because they have no healthcare like in FASCIST controlled Texas where there are 6.2 million people uninsured! With Obama at the helm , we can stem the tide of diseases like Ebola if we let science and reason lead the way, NOT mass hysteria and fear and DOING NOTHING like this evil corrupt racist FASCIST TREASONOUS, pathological lying, sociopathic/psychopathic party is notorious for... thats because theyre TRAITORS and really dont care about this country, this once upon a time great democratic republic and 99 percent of Americans here and are trying to re-write American History and destroy this democratic republic as we have known it since 1776 and create a FASCIST STATE! WAKE UP TO REALITY!!! VOTE TRUE BLUE AS IF YOUR LIFE AND THE LIFE OF YOUR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC DEPENDS ON IT BECAUSE IT DOES...AND MAKE SURE YOUR VOTES COUNT because theyre going to be back to their old dirty rotten EVIL TRICKS once again, you can bet on that since thats all they ever do in their think?? tanks is dream, scheme and plot on how to get and beat the Dems since they dont do anything else do they?? ...theyre so HUNGRY AND GREEDY for MONEY AND POWER and protecting their own in the one percent, an oligarchy! Remember, CORPORATE OLIGARCHICAL RULE AND A CHRISTIAN NATION ONLY which they erroneously think this country is and should be is...TREASON!!! And FRAUDULENT ELECTIONS ARE ANOTHER SIGN OF DANGEROUS FASCISM!!! KEEP ON YOUR LIBERAL DEM TOES!! And lets stem the tide of encroaching AMERICAN FASCISM which we were forewarned about by our very own Democratic party in the 1930s and is HERE! WRAPPED IN THE FLAG AND CARRYING THE CROSS with its PHONY patriotism as they goosestep around with their PHONY red and blue ties and little hypocritical American flag pins...real WOLVES IN SHEEPS CLOTHING, real CON artists CONNING the majority of Americans into thinking theyre real Republicans and TRUE patriots when theyre anything but, including their PHONY raging hypocritical Christianity!!
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 16:01:33 +0000

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