A lot of you have seen the picture of Aaron leaning on a headstone - TopicsExpress


A lot of you have seen the picture of Aaron leaning on a headstone at Arlington. While all the kind words are much appreciated, the most important person in that photo is not standing. Aaron and Wade briefly served together in Germany before Aarons transfer to Fort Drum. A fun-loving, kind-hearted guy, I have yet to meet someone who knew Wade for even a second who did not love him. Wade kidnapped another wounded warrior from Aarons company for a good time away from the hospital. Wade, Mandi, and their daughter Lila took time out of their short visit together on the East Coast to visit Aaron while we were living at the hosptial. From that meeting, I gained a dear friend in Mandi. I am so lucky to know her. Mandi Bennett was pregnant with their second child when Wade Bennett was killed in action in November 2012. Ken Bennett and Nancy A. Bennett gave up their only son, and Rene Bennett lost her brother. My brothers and I are incredibly close, and I cant imagine losing that part of me. Wade was a magical guy, and this world is a sadder place because he is not in it. He never got to meet his son, Wade Zues, but these kids will always know what a hero their dad was in life. The drawing is the only way Mandi could secure a family portrait of her husband and children. This is heartbreaking, but reality. This is the price paid for war. While you enjoy your weekend, please be extra grateful for the family members you have to hold. The Bennett family, and many other friends, will never be whole again. We Remember.
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 14:28:10 +0000

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