A moral collapse is looked at by self-righteous - individuals as a - TopicsExpress


A moral collapse is looked at by self-righteous - individuals as a death sentence... and they treat someone who has fallen as trash.. as dirt. But what they dont understand is someones moral collapse.... someones mistake or several mistakes... is a potential set up for greatness. Yes.. out of a moral collapse can come greatness... but those who have never sinned wont see it that way as they condemn the person who has made many mistakes big and small or someone is still in the midst of their moral collapse. What the self righteous folks are trying to do is get in the lane of the Holy Spirit by taking on the role of the Holy Spirit... by attempting to convict the person who is the target of self-righteous rhetoric. In the process of taking on the role of judge and executioner... you dont focus on your own assignment which may simply be to look in the mirror at self. No.. that assignment is too hard because it will rock your foundation of who you think you are. So its much easier to get in the lane of the Holy Spirit.. and say you are doing the work of the Lord... but your actions are so far from the Lord... you cant see it because your self-proclaimed mission is giving you a good feeling... but it is not your assignment. And as you lean on that good feeling... you are pushing people further away from God as you do what you do under the cover of doing Gods work! Out of a moral collapse can come greatness. A person who has made many mistakes and now sees the light... can do more for the Kingdom than you can possibly imagine. To be exposed to the truth will change this person forever and he will see the grace that was extended to him as he was enjoying his moral failures... He will understand what GRACE means and what PATIENCE means... and what ENCOURAGING folks mean... and he will know HOW TO SHARE THE TRUTH of the Gospel in a bold, yet compassionate way. This person is on fire for the Lord... and the Lord can use Him in a way that self-righteous people wont allow themselves to be used. When I think about MORAL COLLAPSES and EPIC MISTAKES... It brings me to the Apostle Paul. He was once an enemy of Christ Followers... as it was his duty to rid the land of them. EPIC MISTAKE.. but on that road to Damascus... He was exposed to the LIGHT of JESUS. The truth had set His mind and soul free... and he realized the mistakes he made... and Saul, who was renamed Paul, did more to spread the Gospel across the world than anyone could have possibly imagined at that time. His epic mistakes were a set up for greatness. And so can yours if you are willing to surrender to the light. your moral failures are not the end all.... thats just the beginning of where you need to go to be great! I wont count you out even as you are in your stuff right now. I wont give up on you even when you have given up on yourself. Many have condemned you for what you do right now... but GOD can elevate you. You must be willing to stand down so you can be lifted up... and change in you will come from the inside out! I may not support your moral collapse... but I will encourage you to seek the truth of Jesus Christ. I may not support the sins we find ourselves in... but I am in no position to condemn you. I will speak the truth as it cut me like a knife first... so that I can share it with you. I dont have the keys to Heaven or Hell... so I will not get in the lane of the Holy Spirit. I will stay in the lane God has assigned me too and that lane allows me to operate fully in the spiritual gifts God has given me. I care about you even when you are doing things to hurt you!
Posted on: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 17:28:36 +0000

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