A mother whose baby girl has been safely returned to her says - TopicsExpress


A mother whose baby girl has been safely returned to her says Facebook is the reason she has her daughter back in her arms. On Monday evening May 29, 2014, Melissa McMahon’s 16-hour-old baby Victoria was swiped from a hospital in Trois-Rivières, Quebec by a woman dressed as a nurse. When authorities realized what had happened, an Amber Alert went out, spreading like wildfire on Twitter and Facebook with over 18,000 shares. It was then that a group of bored teenagers saw the post on Facebook. “We just wanted to do something for the night, so we went out to find the car,” CharlènePlante told Canada’s CTV network. It would be easier than they thought. When they saw the photo of the “nurse,” Plante immediately recognized her as an old neighbor. Sure enough, when the friends drove to the woman’s apartment, they saw her car parked outside. They called the police. CNN reports, “Officers were there within minutes,” Plante said, “kicking down the apartment door. The baby was recovered and a woman was taken into custody.” McMahon posted an update to Facebook once her daughter was returned to her: The photo has saved our daughter! Within an hour, the picture was everywhere…thousands of people shared the photo of this woman on social networks, tirelessly. Know that this is what saved it, our little Victoria. Each click, each sharing makes the difference. Four wonderful people, we had the chance to meet, have identified this woman through Facebook. It is the only reason that explains why Victoria is in my arms at the moment. She also writes to warn parents. “Never allow yourself to be influenced by a uniform….I know that it can seem trivial, but if I had been more skeptical, all of this could have been avoided,” she said. extract from businessinsider On reading this story, I saw the effect Facebook and twitter could bring to your business. If a single post could have about 18,000 shares on Facebook and twitter in hours, that means understanding how to write a convincing post of your business or product could also cause people to continue sharing or retweeting thereby increasing the possibility of your business or product to be seen or heard by a good number of people. You know what this means. This means that you are likely to get customers, clients for your business. This is not as difficult as you may think but it takes you understanding the art of copywriting in internet marketing. Many people think just dumping post will give them the desired result. There are rules that guide internet marketing. There are nuggets that connects the nuts together. You also can achieve more with the power of internet marketing.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 05:40:04 +0000

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