A number of people have asked why I engage those visitors to these - TopicsExpress


A number of people have asked why I engage those visitors to these “pages” whose only purpose is to ridicule and rally against me. My answer is that so long as the criticism is somewhat sensible and so long as the rallying process is not too overt, I am glad to have discussions with everyone. I am pleased to not only share my views but to also learn their thoughts. I am not impervious to the potential value and importance of the comments and opinions of others. Besides, they have no other medium where they can engage in a frank and candid exchange of ideas with a candidate. They certainly can’t discuss, analyze and criticize ideas with Mr. Gravelle. They can’t learn his position, or get his opinion on a given issue. The truth is he is afraid to communicate with you. You might ask questions such as: i. Mr. Gravelle you are the Minister of Mines, a member of the cabinet. You are a valued, trusted, long-time member of the inner circle. Was it you that suggested to Dalton McGuinty and the Ontario Liberals that they should lie to the people of Ontario in the gas plant scandal and utterly waste almost a billion hard earned tax dollars; or ii. Mr. Gravelle did you just sit quietly by and simply play along with the lies and cover-up, hoping the tax payers of this riding would remain in the dark and keep on trusting you, believing in you, and depending on you to represent their interests, unaware of your deceit; or iii. Mr. Gravelle if it wasn’t your idea to lie to the tax payers of this Province and if you knew nothing about the lies the former Premier and the Ontario Liberals were telling to the tax payers of this Province, have you, since learning of the lies, gone on record and publicly denounced McGuinty and this corruption. Have you voiced your outrage over this immoral deception, as any decent person would. I know absolutely for certain - beyond any doubt whatsoever – the answer is “Yes” to one of the first two questions and “No” to the third. And the same questions could be asked of Kathleen Wynne, the new Premier. She was Minister of Education, Agriculture, Transportation, Municipal Affairs and Housing, and Aboriginal Affairs in McGuinty`s government. Wow! She was really involved at the top. Being at the top, do you think she didn’t know of this deceitful scheme? She knew. She`s as corrupt as Dalton McGuinty and Michael Gravelle and the rest of them. The only way Michael Gravelle could not be the originator of, or a co-conspirator in, this corrupt scheme of deception and lies, is if those in the Liberal hierarchy felt he was so useless, so inept, so ineffectual, so worthless, so utterly without any value whatsoever – in plain words a joke – that they couldn’t be bothered, wouldn’t waste their time, to involve him in policy or planning. But if that were true, why make him a Cabinet Minister? Doesn’t make sense, does it? And exactly the same sorry, sad, state of affairs exists in the case of former Cabinet Minister, now Premier, Kathleen Wynne. The truth is both Wynne and Gravelle are bald-faced liars who would have you believe it was all McGuinty’s fault. They are both liars. You know it and I know it. It’s the truth. And it’s also true that they are both contemptible cowards for trying to hide from their part, their role, in these atrocities. You know it. I know it. It’s the truth. Scandal and waste and lies and deceit aside (imagine having to make this statement: “corruption aside;” how do you simply put corruption aside?) Michael Gravelle is also afraid you will ask “who owns Ontario? Who owns crown or public lands? Are crown and public lands not owned equally and shared equally by all residents of Ontario?” Michael Gravelle also fears you may ask “why does the Liberal Ontario government not apply the laws of Ontario in a just, fair, non-discriminatory fashion? Why aren’t people who illegally blockade roads, train lines, and development projects not arrested and charged? Or, you might ask, Mr Gravelle how could you do nothing when our sawmills and pulp mills and forestry projects fell into ruin and desolation? Or, Mr Gravelle what are you actually doing - not the talk, the smiles, the posing – what are you actually doing to get the people of this riding back to work? A week ago there was a picture in the Chronicle Journal of Michael Gravelle and Kathleen Wynne at Resolute Forest Products wearing hard hats. This staged disrespectful charade was supposed to convey the message they were “getting down to work.” In actuality, it was nothing more than a cheap, tawdry, insulting, mockery of those who have to wear hard hats while actually doing real work. Neither Gravelle or Wynne has done an honest hard days work in their entire lives. You realize of course that it is precisely because you may ask questions like these that Gravelle won’t talk to you. He will not discuss anything directly with you. You might ask questions about his role, his participation, in the 500 million dollar ORNGE scandal. So his “answer” his “response” is to simply not talk to you. While I would like to say Michael Gravelle is just an un-repentant, un-ashamed, un-accountable coward, which he is; he is actually more than that. He is also a politician. In fact, he is a very successful politician. He’s deceitful and morally corrupt, but, somehow, he is still a successful politician. He dodges responsibility and accountability for his and the Ontario Liberals outrageous scandals and he avoids responsibility and accountability for at least (what we know so far) 1.5 billion of your hard earned tax dollars being totally wasted, thrown to the wind, gone forever. He has represented this riding for twenty years. Look around. Look what he’s done to your towns and sawmills and paper mills. Twenty years of Michael Gravelle has resulted in devastation, havoc, and ruin of your towns, your industries, and your jobs. He has destroyed your very way of life and standard of living. He was in charge. It’s his fault. Now do you really believe he is going to exchange views with you, or engage you in meaningful conversation? Not a chance. And have you ever heard a single word of apology from Michael Gravelle for his role in these scandals and for not fighting to protect your jobs? Of course not. And you never will. Each night when he goes to bed he hopes you will never get the chance to question him concerning his role – his involvement – in these disgraceful scandals. And he hopes you never get the chance to confront him on his total lack of ability to preserve and protect your jobs and your towns. He hopes all this will blow over; that you will forget, and once again on election day, he can emerge triumphant, untouched, unaffected and unscathed by his deceit and culpability. Sadly, some of you will allow him to do just that. Why do you think the Ontario Liberals swallowed – whole – the NDP’s ineffectual, Toronto- orientated, debt ballooning, wasteful budget? I’ll tell you why: to buy enough time to allow you to forget what they have done to you. Buy time before you get a chance to vote. I know it. You know it. Everyone knows it. It was in their – not your – best interests to sell-out to the NDP and buy time. So they did. They don’t care about you. It’s all about them. You don’t matter a damn. Your NDP candidate is essentially no different. While not involved in Gravelle’s corruption, of course, Foulds comes from a political family and ran for and was elected to the City of Thunder Bay’s council. He is trying – aspiring – to be a politician; so the smart thing for him to do is to hide from the issues – even if the issues are important and affect everyone in this riding. He won’t engage you one - on - one. He won’t speak out. He won’t go on record. He won’t do or say anything the voters could hold him accountable for. Have you seen him, asking the questions or discussing the issues I do? Of course not. He’s a politician. Have you ever seen him trying to ascertain the degree and extent of Michael Gravelle’s guilt in these scandals? No. And believe me he will never go on record questioning or giving a straight answer to even a basic issue like “ who owns Ontario” or “why doesn’t our Liberal government arrest those that illegally blockade our roads, railway lines and job sites.” He will sit back and be silent while these lawbreakers interrupt our lives, interrupt our jobs, and interrupt our rights, without being arrested. Well I’m telling you right now that we have rights too. We also matter. Our lives are also important. We are not here just to simply pay the bills. I flat out guarantee Foulds will never discuss anything that is the least bit controversial, something that has two sides. Why? Politicians - even wannabe politicians - don’t confront issues with two sides; they don’t get involved on either side of controversial issues. They avoid controversy because someone might not like what they say. So they do the safe thing and say nothing. They stay quiet - hoping everyone loves them. Nice, but nothing gets done this way. Nothing will change with silence. And every day that passes you lose another little bit of your rights and the special interest groups gain what was taken from you. By now you must be asking yourself, if politicians don’t get involved in these issues - and it’s true, they don’t - then why are you Tamara Johnson doing so? Good question. Simple answer. I am not a politician. Never have been. Never will be. Believe me the last thing you need is another cowardly politician. The last thing you - and I- need is another left- leaning, mealy-mouthed, issue dodging, , ass kissing, controversy avoiding, lying, hiding, coward who is afraid to speak up and actually do something - before it’s too late. My boy and your children deserve a better Ontario than this. I’m telling you right now if things don’t change - and change soon – you and I and our children will be just like drone worker bees bringing the honey to the Queen bee in Toronto. The Queen bee and her special interest groups and pseudo- intellectuals only job, as they lap up the honey, is to tell you what you can’t do. And they will tell you to shut up, get back to work and bring more honey. We deserve more. We have rights too. I have often referred to the “other” people, the “forgotten,” people of this Province. That’s us. The hard working tax payers. I’ll tell you right now, before this is over, I’m going to make damn sure they are going to hear from us. So if I am not a politician, what am I? I’m one of you. I’m a girl from Geraldton, who works hard, pays her taxes and is trying to raise her son to be a better person than herself. I believe in God – whoops! I guess you’re not supposed to say that either, someone in Toronto might be offended – and I am deeply, seriously, concerned with the direction this Province is taking. What’s going on is not right. You know it. I know it. We all know it. But no one actually says it. And no one tries to fix it. Believe me, I am sure as hell going to say it and I’m going to try damn hard to fix it. In a speech I made at the Italian Hall I said, “I know what you are going through, I know your worries, I know your fears, I share them. I know you face uncertainties concerning your future and more importantly, your kids future, I share these uncertainties. I am one of you.” That is as true today as the day I said it. Those of you who follow this site are aware I have also recently received comments to the effect that the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party is only out to serve the needs of “big business,” “big money,” and, presumably, doesn’t represent the needs and desires of the rest of us – the average hard working tax payers of this Province. This is simply not true and if you would please read on, I will demonstrate to you why it isn’t. A few short weeks ago, Adrian Dix, the leader of the NDP in B.C. said Vancouver harbour doesn’t need any more ships. Can you believe it? I can’t. But it’s true. He said that. Dix and the NDP felt the view, the esthetics, the clear peaceful waters were so overwhelmingly important to them that it shouldn’t be cluttered up with ships. And the people who would be working at a busier port – the truck drivers , the railroad employees, crane operators and lift truck operators, the stevedores and general labourers – all of them, every last one of them, could just stay at home, or go sit on a hillside and enjoy the view. Just sit and look out over the peaceful, quiet, harbour. To bring this statement closer to home, it would be like Foulds and Horwath saying our grain elevators don’t need any more ships, or Keefer terminal doesn’t need any more freighters, or Port Arthur Ship Building doesn’t need any more projects. It’s also like saying Nakina and Geraldton and Terrace Bay and Nipigon don’t need any more pulp trucks. Here’s another thing I’m 100 % certain of: You will never hear Tim Hudak talk this nonsense. And that’s not all. A few days later, Dix and the NDP came out against the Kinder – Morgan pipeline extension and the Northern Gateway Pipeline construction project. Why? Because when that excavator digs into the earth it will leave ugly dirty scars on the beautiful, flowered, right - of - way. And all the pipeliners - the union operators, the union mechanics, the union welders - everyone can leave their high paying jobs and go sit on the hillside with the port workers and watch the sunset. Now what would Tim Hudak and the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party do if we in Ontario were lucky enough to have the chance of pipeline construction? Here’s what would happen . After a prudent, careful, reasonable, assessment process, based on actual science - not science fiction –Tim Hudak would have the courage to actually put the “teeth” on that excavator past the flowers and through the grass and into the dirt and get the project started. He would have the courage to stand strong and take the inevitable left-wing impossible to satisfy, environmentalists whining. Tim Hudak would actually get something accomplished. He would get you back to work. It’s not that Tim Hudak doesn’t appreciate “flowers,” it’s just that he is confident enough in his leadership abilities and strong enough in his vision for the Province and determined enough in his intent to put this Province back to work, that he is able to acknowledge and deal with the fact there will always be some esthetic and some environmental cost associated with development. Tim Hudak is aware these costs and effects have to be properly and carefully weighed and balanced against our present and future prosperity, your right to work at good paying jobs and your right to properly provide the best possible quality of life, the best possible standard of life, for yourself and your family. Like in Alberta, the home of jobs, Tim Hudak’s philosophy is “do it right, but do it” as opposed to the NDP “it can’t be done.” Or the Liberals “let’s talk for another 10 years.” Alberta has had a Progressive Conservative government for a number of years. And Alberta has had jobs for years. Alberta has a Progressive Conservative government today. And jobs today. So you say Tim Hudak is only for big business. Nonsense. Don’t confuse supporting development projects, supporting entrepreneurial ventures, supporting project initiators and job creators as somehow being only pro business. Business and development needs people. People need business and development. And let me remind you, the “Ring of Fire” and all the jobs and spin- off related business this project promises for your future and your children’s future, is all about business – big business, thankfully. Now let’s return to the NDP position. They are against the shipping companies and the trucking companies and the pipeline companies and the pipeline contractors. They are against all companies. They are clearly against big business. And they are also against the truck drivers, and the crane operators, and the stevedores and the welders and the operators, everybody. So they are clearly against labour. Now if you are not for business and if you are not for labour, exactly who the hell are you for? I’ll tell you who they are for, if you are prepared to deal with the truth, if you can handle reality. The NDP today is the party of the ultra- left- wing, ultra-green, radical foreign-funded environmentalists. The NDP today is the party of those who have not and will not roll up their sleeves and get to work – yet still want and expect to get and enjoy the same standard of living - in many cases a better standard of living - as those who work, and work hard, have earned . They want everything you got by hard work for free - without even getting out of bed. The NDP is the party of social bureaucrats , pseudo intellectuals, professors, directors of this foundation or that institution or this social program or that committee pledged to stop : anything and everything. They are the ones carrying the signs and placards who park their BMW’s two blocks away so their masked and painted cohorts don’t see them burning fossil fuels. That’s the NDP today. Do you know that as you are reading this, the NDP has people furiously erasing the word “socialism“ from their national and provincial charters. Why? Because they don’t want you to link their core beliefs with all the failed attempts at socialism. Socialism is their essential, central, belief; but they are now too embarrassed to let you know it. If socialism is so successful and so desirable, why are families drowning on rafts in rough seas trying to leave Cuba for Florida. - or anywhere? If socialism is so cool, why does it always include a dictator and barbed wire and machine guns? What’s more, what decent self respecting, honourable political party would even have its origin in socialism. No damn wonder the NDP is furiously erasing, scrubbing away at their books. If I was a socialist at heart, if I believed in socialism, I would be ashamed of it, too. I would try to hide it from the voters like the NDP are doing today. Like the NDP, I would be silent about my true beliefs and try to fool you to get elected. Once elected I would spring out my socialist view and my socialist agenda, just like the NDP intends to do. Don’t be fooled. Keep in mind, to be successful in business you have to have to be prepared to work long hours, not 9 to 5; you have to be willing to sacrifice time with family and friends and you have to be prepared to accept risk and often loss. It could all disappear overnight, which is exactly what happened to the independent trucking contractors in Geraldton and Longlac and Terrace Bay and Hurkette. They didn’t do anything wrong. Their only mistake was trying to operate a trucking business in Michael Gravelle’s riding and in Liberal Ontario. So who are the business people I’m talking about? I’m talking about the families in Schreiber and Thunder Bay who scrimped and saved and worked endless hours and risked everything to build an auto dealership into a resounding success. I’m talking about the families in Geraldton who built – from nothing but hard work – successful auto body shops, hardware stores, motels and restaurants. I’m talking about Marathon where several different groups of entrepreneurs put mining companies together, found investors, sold shares, and built mines. And I’m talking about Thunder Bay where families built – again from nothing - successful contracting companies. Today they build roads and have dozens and dozens of trucks with dozens and dozens of truck drivers. When you add up everyone they employ its hundreds of hard working people. I’m talking about independent doctors and dentists. All of this is just not possible with socialism. All of this is just not possible with the NDP. I know I’m not going to make any friends with my next statement, but I believe it to be true. It is my belief that some people are jealous of successful business people - big - or otherwise. They tend to forget or disregard the businesses that didn’t work, didn’t make it, where the entrepreneurs lost their investment. Some actually resent the effort, the sacrifice, the long hours, these business people were willing to put out to achieve success. Personally, I applaud these successful business owners and I thank them for the jobs they created and the families they helped. I applaud their vision, their imagination, and their determination. Now do you really believe these successful people, these independent job creators, would have made the sacrifices they did, and took the risks they did, if the guy across the street and the guy down the road and the guy across town, shared the fruits, the benefits, of their tireless effort by simply laying on the couch? I don’t and if you do, keep on scrubbing and erasing and keep on voting NDP. And don’t forget we are already being handed a share in their endeavors, and I’m not just talking about jobs. They pay business and sales taxes and corporate taxes and then, when they pay themselves, when they take a wage, they can pay very, very close to 50 % income taxes. I acknowledge corporate dividends attract a little less tax, but the principles are the same. And the NDP, the socialists (by definition) want industry and even medical practices to be publicly owned. If that were the case, do you think any of this would happen. Where’s the incentive? The truth is socialism doesn’t work. You know it and I know it. The whole world knows it. But the NDP in their perverted utopian view cannot seem to understand it only exists at gun point and if you cage the people behind barbed wire. So now they try to hide it. You tell me who is the “oppressed masses” - the tax payer - us - or them. Scrub away. Now are you ready for this, all you NDP fans out there. Organized labour – unions – actually came out publicly AGAINST the NDP in the BC election, Its true. And don’t try to tell me “that’s B.C., that’s different.” It’s not different. It’s just the NDP today “No Damn Progress” and it doesn’t matter which Province you are in. When unions – organized labour – publicly come out AGAINST the NDP, you know something is different, something is not the same. Further, last weekend, Thomas Mulcair, the Federal NDP leader, came out PRAISING Christy Clark in B.C. for rejecting the Northern Gateway Pipeline proposal. Do you realize that six billion dollar project would have created between 3000 -3500 good paying jobs - union jobs - during construction and 560 good paying, permanent jobs – union jobs - when the facility was up and running. The truth is they have changed. And so can you. Don’t try to tell me Tim Hudak and the Ontario PC party is only for “big business” or “big money”. What you term “standing for big business”, I term “standing for reality, job creation and prosperity. Standing for our future.” I am utterly convinced, I absolutely 100 % believe, that in Ontario today no party better understands and no party better appreciates the plight of the average hard working tax payer than the PC party of Ontario. I’m not talking election day rhetoric. On election day, both the Liberals and the NDP will tell you how much they care and how much they want to help you. The day after the election the Liberals will go back to lying and hiding and pandering to the special interest groups and the NDP will resume their left-wing, anti- development, anti- progress agenda. That’s the truth and you know it. Tim Hudak has a plan to set us in the right direction and get this province back to work. At real jobs , lasting jobs. Challenging jobs. Jobs with a future. Jobs you can build a career on and properly and proudly raise your family with. That’s right an actual, workable, realistic, tangible plan. I strongly encourage you to read Tim Hudak’s and the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party’s plan for Ontario. You can find it @ ontariopc/ I also read the plans of the other two party’s – my opponents plans. Again, I encourage you to read each of these plans. The Liberal plan is a joke, as you will see when I discuss it; but the NDP plan should be taken very, very, seriously as it has severe and adverse consequences that will affect you dramatically, should the NDP be elected. You can find the NDP plan @ ontariondp/ I will discuss the NDP’s plan for Ontario first. The NDP’s plan, for our area, is titled “Respect for the North” and is, by my count, 28 pages long. Thirteen of these pages – almost half - are dedicated to showing you photos depicting green scenery and pristine waters. Importantly, there is not a single image of a job creating development project. Not a single picture of an industrial complex: a pulp-mill, a saw-mill, a mine, a factory. Don’t take my word for this – look for yourself. Take a peek and tell me, can you find even one small picture, one tiny image of a development project, or a construction project, or earth- moving, flower-cutting, grass-uprooting, job creating progess. No. Not a single one. Zero. Just 13 – I counted them – pictures (often full page pictures) of rocks and trees and grass and peaceful waters. It looks more like an eco-tourist brochure than an “action plan.” Read it. You tell me what the NDP prioritize. It’s not jobs. It’s not you. It’s the environment. In Northern Ontario we have parks and nature all around us and my boy and I enjoy it all, but the whole Province of Ontario is not a park. We have to do something other than enjoy the view on an empty stomach. We have to work. We need development. We need progress. We need jobs. Where is the balance, the integration with industry that Tim Hudak and the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario recognize must co-exist with nature. With the NDP there is no balance. There is no integration. There is no co-existence. It’s all green, green, green. You can’t eat green. No Damn Progress. This utopian unrealistic view of Ontario – particularly Northern Ontario – may play well in Toronto, but we in the north are not living some kind of fairy tale. Let’s get real. Let us get back to work. When I drive up to the Kam River bridge and look at Resolute Forest Products, it makes me feel good to see the smoke billowing out and that big chip truck hanging upside down, unloading on that “thingy.” When I see the sawdust flowing off the conveyor making that huge pile beneath it bigger, I feel good. I know hundreds of families will be living well. Where you and I see house payments and car payments being made; where you and I see hockey equipment being purchased and gymnastic lessons being paid for; where you and I see vacation plans being discussed and talk around the kitchen table about maybe looking at a summer camp next year; and where you and I see something as basic as more groceries and better groceries, do you know what the NDP sees? Pollution! And trees that got cut and hauled away from their forest home. I feel proud, but they are embarrassed. The NDP is actually embarrassed, that this mill is operational. They see progress. And they don’t like it. The people of the true NDP of today, do not work there. Several pages previously, I stated “ The NDP today is the party of the ultra- left - wing, ultra- green, radical, foreign –funded environmentalists.” I’m not telling you this is the truth - the NDP is showing you this is the truth! Believe me, the NDP eggheads in Toronto don’t realize we can’t just sit here waiting for them to strap a kayak on their Porshe SUV and drive up for a vacation and hire us as guides. We raise our families here - or try to. We need to work. We need real jobs. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, how about 13 pictures! Are you finally getting the picture? By the way, this plan was written 2011. They are worse today. The NDP plan, the NDP “vision” for Ontario, contains twelve references to “First Nation People.” Twelve references in twenty- eight picture filled pages. The plan only obliquely mentions the hard working tax payers of this Province. Well here’s some news NDP. Here’s some news Toronto. Northern Ontario is not just about aboriginal people. We live here too. What about us? One page in the NDP plan is titled “ Respecting the North.” There are four points on that page. Just four points. The first touts giving Northern MPP’s more power; the second calls for the repeal of certain legislation; the third refers to mining revenue and the fourth and final point, and I quote it in its entirety, is “Respect for First Nations.” That’s noble, but doesn’t it suggest that someone isn’t respecting aboriginals; that respect doesn’t exist today? And just who is it you are making this accusation against Mr NDP plan writer? I hope you are not suggesting it is non- aboriginals. And exactly why would you single out one segment of the population of the north for respectful treatment and not mention the rest of the people? In life, an individual generally receives the respect he or she deserves - the respect they have earned - regardless of their ethnicity. Do we non-aboriginals not deserve equal respect? Do we non- aboriginals not deserve equal recognition? Do we non-aboriginals not deserve equal attention? What is our place, our role, in this new northern society? The truth – the absolute unmitigated truth – is this statement by the NDP is inherently divisive and accusatory. What the NDP hasn’t learned and can’t seem to understand is - every one of us - deserve equal respect and equal consideration. We are all equally important in Ontario. It is just plain wrong to single out one segment of the population for special treatment, special consideration, and special respect. When you do so, you create - by omission - a group with fewer rights, less importance, and, yes, less deserving of respect. The truth is, every last one of us has to work together in the daunting struggle to “fix” Ontario, to correct more than a decade of Liberal mistakes and Liberal mis-management. We have to work together starting, essentially, from scratch, to rebuild a new Ontario, a stronger Ontario, after more than a decade of Liberal neglect. You know it. I know it. The NDP doesn’t know it. The NDP plan goes on to state, “And we will ensure First Nations respect with a full-time Minister for Aboriginal Affairs. It’s not a part-time job.” That, too, is a nice thought, funny wording though. Regrettably, this notion seems to express the belief you can legislate, or mandate, respect, which cannot be done. Respect - true respect – has to be earned, has to be built, it can’t be ordered. Further, what about a “Minister For Hard Working Forgotten Tax Payers”? That would ensure respect for us too. Seriously, what about us? We are currently so low in the order of things I’ll even accept a part -time Minister. The NDP plan states “Mining Tax revenue from new mines will stay in the North with First Nations and Northern Ontario municipalities to meet the challenges facing the North.” Why differentiate between First Nations and municipalities? Aren’t both these entities simply settlements of people in the North? I realize reserves have a Federal Government aspect to them, but let’s not differentiate. We all live in the North. Surely the NDP isn’t wording this statement in such a fashion as to appear to lend credence to the false and nonsensical notion of independent sovereignty. Why not dispel any ambiguity and show some respect for all concerned by simply saying “the people who live in the North.” And is the NDP is prepared to deal with our fellow Ontarians to the south, who I’m quite confident, believe they should share equally in any distribution of “Mining Tax” revenue gleaned from public lands in Ontario. After all, aren’t they Ontarians too? Aren’t they as much “owners” of these public lands as any of us? And exactly how is that revenue divided. Who gets what? Is it on a per capita basis? Or is it 90/ 10 against us? What exactly is the NDP saying here. Maybe someday Mr Foulds will explain. Also, the NDP state “This legislation failed to give First Nations the tools they need in order to benefit from resource development on their lands.“ Once again, I’m not entirely confident I understand exactly what the NDP is referring to in this statement. Are they referring to resource development that takes place entirely within the confines, the perimeter, of what is known as a “reservation.” If not, exactly what “lands” and whose “lands” are they referring to? I sincerely trust they are not referring to public lands which are owned by all Ontarians. Once again, perhaps Mr Foulds will make this clear. The NDP also said “as full partners with a New Democrat Government First Nations…” I don’t know if I understand what this means either. Does it mean I’m not currently a partner? Can I be a partner? If I can’t be a full partner, can I be a half partner? Why would anyone in Ontario not be a ‘full partner.” If I can’t be a “full partner” and they won’t allow me to be a half partner, could it be I’m not a partner at all? I’m confident Mr Foulds will at some point explain this fully. Maybe I am mistaken, but I am getting the impression that the gist, the very tenor, of the NDP plan, as it concerns development in the north, seems to be premised on assumptions or presumptions that have been left intentionally, ambiguous, so as to allow the reader - if he is so inclined - to infer a state of ownership of public lands that I don’t believe most Ontarians share with the NDP. Perhaps, Mr Foulds will stand up and speak up - as I have - and allow the people of this riding to know exactly what the NDP beliefs are in this important matter. Who owns Ontario? The remainder of the NDP plan can best be described as unrealistic and socialistic. It ignores debt reduction. Implementation of the policies contained in it would only further drown us in debt. Today, interest expense – that’s interest only, not the debt itself - is the third largest budget expense, after education and health. Government funded and government dependent “job creation” rarely, if ever, is truly sustainable. It has been proven, time after time, that the private sector and private enterprise and private accountability - a profit orientated board of directors for example - is the key to efficient, profitable, lasting, development and industry. I believe the two most significant impediments to investment and development in Northern Ontario today are, firstly, the unrealistic, impractical, redundant, often unnecessary realms of bureaucratic “red tape” concerning not only environmental issues, but all the other processes such as licensing, inspections, and permit granting. I am fully aware of the protective necessity of these procedures, but surely we can streamline or abridge and somehow make more understandable, the governmental boondoggle that exits in Ontario today. As recently as June 5th, days ago, Tim Hudak said we must modernize our labour laws to encourage and promote investment and development. He’s 100 % correct – we can’t always use yesterday’s labour laws to govern today’s labour complexities. Let’s modernize, - fix - what has to be fixed. Investors and developers trying to do business in Ontario, are confronted with a crippling morass of “red tape.” It makes development prohibitively expensive and inordinately time consuming. In some cases, I believe it is realistically impossible to satisfy or achieve Ontario’s requirements. Tim Hudak’s weighed and balanced approach must also be applied to these issues, for investment and development to, once again, be attractive and attainable in Ontario. Further, investors and developers should be able to find a specific source to gain a comprehensive understanding of “how” to do business in Ontario. Secondly, investors and developers have to trust and have faith and believe in the commitment of the government of Ontario that their investment projects will be protected by the law. Their projects and their investments cannot depend on the mercy or the whim and fancy of protestors trying to force awareness of and capitulation to, the infinite number of concerns that they feel are important to them. There can be no uncertainty whatsoever on the issue of can employees arrive at a job site, let alone be permitted to pursue their labours expeditiously and without illegal interruption. And once development is completed and production begins, they need the same degree of certainty. If the Government cannot instill this certainty in potential investors and developers, Ontario will eventually be shunned, like some third world Banana Republic. No degree of uncertainty and ambiguity can exist on this issue. Investors and developers act on solid facts; they need a solid understanding of exactly what they are getting into. If they can’t accurately and properly assess the risk in a given venture, they won’t assume the risk. Confidence in government to enforce the law shouldn’t have to be discussed. Laws should be enforced. Only in Liberal Ontario does this become a valid and debilitating concern. Now let’s look at the Liberal plan. At least the Liberal plan doesn’t drag us through the park. I won’t dwell on it, you can read it yourself. It’s the standard, unimaginative, age-old rehash of the same old song. It totally ignores, is totally silent, on the fact the Liberals have had more than decade to put this pious, unrealistic, dribble into effect, if they truly intended to do so. And they don’t discuss that as a result of their unconscionable spending and waste, we are today some 240 billion in debt – soon to be 250 billion and can’t afford any more wasteful, inefficient, government spending, even if we wished to follow their ill- advised suggestions. The essence of their plan is a dishonest (surprise, surprise) attempt to take credit for the completion of Progressive Conservative initiatives that coincided with the Liberals forming a new government way back when, coupled with an attack on anything and everything Tim Hudak postulates. I started, but eventually gave up, counting the derogatory and negative comments they made about Tim Hudak in their plan. They spent more time discussing Tim Hudak in their plan than they did discussing the plan itself. Because the problems facing Ontario today are very serious and no laughing matter, I wrestled with the question whether it was appropriate to poke fun at the Liberals. However, when they swallowed the NDP budget to save their ass and their jobs, they laughed at us and said “ ha, ha, gotchya.” They are laughing at us behind our backs, so maybe it’s not too inappropriate, this one time, to laugh at them – to their face. Truthfully, I laughed out loud at many of the ridiculous, self-serving, self- aggrandizing statements the Liberals made in their “plan.” So just this once, forgive my indiscretions. It was so blatantly BS I couldn’t stop myself. Now keep in mind, these are direct quotes, you can go to their plan @ ontarioliberal.ca and actually find these gems, if you wish. Here goes the top 10 list of quotes from “Forward. Together. The Ontario Liberal Plan for Northern Ontario:” 1. “…weve’ brought the forestry sector back from the brink…” Really. Tell that to the people in Geraldton, Nakina Terrace Bay, and Hurkette; 2. “We know how important it is to stay connected with family and friends…” Sure by phone or web cam to Alberta, where half the people in the riding went to find a job; 3. “…we’ve helped create 16,969 jobs..” Are you sure you did not count McGuinty’s cousin twice? Or did you find him two jobs? Was the precise number provided because you have a meter ticking off the jobs or is it because you know and are familiar with each and every one you hired. Do you have to know a Liberal to get a job? What about the 436,612 jobs you lost? 4. “Ontario Liberals know the key to Northern Ontario’s future won’t be found by looking backward.” I should say not. If I were the Liberals I wouldn’t want people looking back either – too many scandals, no record of accomplishment, Wynne saying sorry 16, 969 times; 5. “…we worked to protect Northern communities while taking steps to ensure key sectors like forestry and mining emerged from recovery…” Do you folks in Red Rock and in Longlac feel “emerged?” Hardly, it’s more like “submerged.” 6. “We’ll create a new Bio-Economy Fund…” What the hell is that? If you create a fund it will only be to steal from it; 7. “Now that we’re back on track,…” Well guess what? The tracks were illegally blockaded and you didn’t do anything about it; 8. “Working with our private partners in the sector, we’ll strike a blue ribbon panel to look at the long- term sustainability of our mining centres to make sure we make the most of this opportunity.” Try as I might I can’t understand this sentence. Can anyone understand this? If they are they are talking about their “partners” they must mean the good folks in charge of ORNGE. Forget the “ blue ribbon” crap, give me a white flag. I surrender. The only thing they will “strike” is out. Strike three! 9. “…helped keep people employed in mines and forestry mills..” What Province are you talking about? Let’s talk about Ontario, ok; 10. “ The NDP would kill these jobs by banning exports of raw ore…” Come on, be honest, the NDP won’t even allow the ore to be dug out let alone exported. How can they kill a job they won’t let get started? I could have prepared the Ontario Liberals actual re-election plan and strategy in far fewer words. In fact, I had so much fun with the first “Top 10 List,” I decided to do a second list. Here it is Micheal Gravelle’s and Kathleen Wynne’s and the Ontario Liberals “Top 10 List for Re-Election: 1. Do and say anything to get elected; 2. Don’t worry about Ontario’s debt; feel free to waste a billion tax payers dollars, if you think it will buy a vote or two; 3. Help your friends to steal public money; follow our example in ORNGE and don’t let numbers like half a billion scare you off; 4. Don’t dwell on the fact we don’t have any ideas, any vision, of our own, steal from the PC and their leader; 5. Always be vague, “be grey”, as opposed to black or white, and speak in generalities, don’t be specific; leave yourself plenty of “wiggle room” to subsequently escape responsibility and accountability; 6. Always find a way to twist the facts and bend the truth ; this allows you to take credit for the accomplishments of others and gives you a chance to deny what you’ve done or said; 7. Recognize and accept the fact that, unlike ourselves, Tim Hudak actually knows what he is doing and if given the chance he will make us look like the fools we are; so attack all the time – attack, attack, attack; 8. When confronted with the fact you said something that wasn’t true and you knew it wasn’t true, lie your way out of it; 9. When you get caught lying, lie some more; we will find some patsy to take the blame, who will then quit to save your ass; 10. LIE, LIE, LIE and DELETE, DELETE, DELETE. I shouldn’t joke about the Liberals, but it’s hard not to, because that’s all they are: a joke. The truth is the Ontario Liberals are operating without a plan, without a set of goals, and without a pre-determined sense of direction. They are governing day - to- day, crisis -to- crisis, scandal -to- scandal, lie- to- lie. I recognize and acknowledge that the vast majority of the voters in this riding – about 80 %, about 4 out of 5 - choose either the Liberals or the NDP on election day. As I’ve said many times, your parents did and your aunts and uncles and friends did. So, you do too. This is understandable, but if the Liberals and NDP won’t speak up for you and won’t stand up for you, how understandable is it? I’m not telling you, I’m showing you, they have changed. And so can you. Don’t think for a moment that I am so caught up in expressing my thoughts and opinions that I don’t recognize what I am facing is, essentially a David vs. Goliath situation. But that’s no reason not to fight the good fight, it’s no reason to sit idly by and allow injustice after injustice to continue; it’s no reason to allow bad government to triumph over good government; and it’s no reason to allow lies and deceit and corruption to be swept aside with an empty and belated “sorry.” Sorry doesn’t cut it. And it certainly is no reason not to say what needs to be said; what has to be said; and what should have been said years ago. It’s no reason not to take a strong stand and tell them – tell them to their faces – that we are totally fed up with bringing honey to Toronto for them to gorge on and waste. I realize my actions and words have only reinforced the premise I am not a politician, but that doesn’t mean I cannot represent the people of this riding better than the two who oppose me. Go discuss the issues I have discussed today with them. Get their take on these issues. Have them tell you their views. You disagree with me? Fine. You can’t disagree with the other two, because they won’t say anything. How about this. Here’s another truth. You know more about where I stand on the issues facing this riding in one month than you have learned from Michael Gravelle in twenty years. Let’s hear either of them contradict or otherwise dispute the truths I have openly and freely discussed with you. Good Luck. And I’m not finished telling you the truth. Not by a long shot. Stay tuned. Do you know what keeps me going? Do you know what will keep me driving to Longlac, Marathon, and Nipigon knocking on doors, visiting and engaging in discussions with people? Do you know what keeps me up at night discussing my thoughts and opinions with you? Do you know what keeps me posting my views – going on record – speaking words that can’t be taken back. I’ll tell you what. I know somewhere deep- down in your Liberal “self” or in your NDP “self” in some small corner, in some tiny recess of your very being, you know I’m talking the truth. That’s what keeps me going. What is going on in Ontario today isn’t right. You know who owns Ontario. You know lawbreakers should be arrested. You know your rights, your very significance, your place in Ontario, is slowly being eroded, as each day passes, in favour of special interest groups. You know people who flat out refuse to work are enjoying a standard of living as good or better than the standard of living you work so hard to maintain. You know hard working tax payers are truly the “forgotten people” the “other people”, the people who are taken for granted and who just don’t seem to matter. And you know I’m the only candidate in this riding who has the guts to stand up and say “enough is enough. We have a voice and we are going to be heard.” And you and I both know that before election day I’m going to be vilified and criticized for saying what has to be said, what should be said and what should have been said years ago. And, I know you are as upset about all of this as I am – you are just quieter. I also know that there are a good number of people out there that don’t like to hear the truth and some who don’t want to hear the truth. Don’t worry you’ll have a chance to stop me from telling the truth. You’ll have your chance to shut me up. On election day you can, essentially, silence me forever. Keep one thing in mind though – you might wait a hell of a long time before someone else will stand up for your rights. Now I realize some of you, let’s see how shall I phrase this, some of you might feel uncomfortable, yeah “uncomfortable” to outwardly, publicly, openly express support for the loud mouthed, somewhat irreverent, decidedly opinionated, girl from Geraldton, who is not afraid to speak the truth. I understand that and I understand you may not wish to put my sign on your lawn. You may not wish to give me a hug or shake my hand if someone may see you. I understand that, too. But I hope, I sincerely hope, a few months from now, when you are all alone in the voting booth, that you pause for a moment and ask yourself these important questions: i. Do I trust Michael Gravelle and the Ontario Liberals? ii. Have Michael Gravelle and the Ontario Liberals spent my tax dollars properly and wisely? iii. Have Michael Gravelle and the Ontario Liberals “forgotten” about me and the other hard working tax payers of this province and do they take me and my vote for granted? iv. Do Michael Gravelle and the Ontario Liberals truly deserve to be re-elected? v. Are my rights and is my place in Ontario being gradually, but steadily eroded in favour of special interest groups? vi. Are the reasons my parents, friends and co-workers voted the way they did in the past, still valid today? vii. Have the Liberals changed and if so, why can’t I? viii. Do I really want to vote for another double-talking, issue-dodging, cowardly politician? ix. Does the NDP of today truly connect with and truly represent the hard working tax payers of Ontario? x. Does the Toronto influenced and Toronto thinking NDP truly care about developing jobs in northern Ontario, and when it comes down to actually putting shovels in the ground, will the NDP ignore their socialist radical environmentalist base and approve and proceed with the development projects we need in this riding? xi. If the NDP has come out for project development and job creation can they actually be trusted to follow through and not find some excuse to, some day, stop it, to make Toronto happy? xii. Has the NDP changed and if so why can’t I? xiii. Does Tamara Johnson not say what I feel and what I truly believe? xiv.Does Tamara Johnson not say what should be said, what needs to be said, and what should have been said a long time ago? xv. Is Tamara Johnson afraid to speak out and confront the issues affecting the people of this riding? xvi. Does Tamara Johnson stand up for ALL the hard working tax payers of this riding? xvii. Will Tamara Johnson lobby in support of and fight passionately for developing jobs in this riding? xviii. Has Tamara Johnson not spoken the truth and is she not the only one who has? You don’t have to answer these questions right now, not today. Wait until it’s time to vote. Besides I’ve got lots more to say, I’m not finished yet. And I’m not afraid to say it. But when you get in the voting booth, ask yourself these questions. If you answer them honestly, I like my chances.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 15:25:55 +0000

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