A simple AND truthful and honest message to all people who ARE - TopicsExpress


A simple AND truthful and honest message to all people who ARE consciously aware somewhat .... This will not be pretty and it wont slide down easily ....... IF you dont know HOW to solve an issue (And moreover, you have no interest in learning) and instead, you find yourself jumping on Facebook or the like to speak of this BUT .... you have no interest in resolving it, therefore, you still havent realized youre merely entertaining yourself and so, have zero desire to grow up, then please UNFRIEND me right now. Leeches and silt are both unhelpful and unhealthy and so, as the folly of wasted energy shows everything, I sense that those who choose to band together in clubs, groups - particularly closed groups that venture and assign a superior point of view, as self revealing as it is to be anything BUT, such as Illuminati Pub and others (And NO, I am not jaded on refusal to join or not allowed to join!). I write this as the trends do not lie, although people can .... especially to themselves. So I offer this as a means to be upfront and honest. ANYONE who has any sense to be more than what they have shoved in their heads and all over FB will understand what I mean and shall act accordingly. I have ALWAYS stated my position, as well as my tolerances and I have arrived at a point where people, will either .... - Run themselves into the ground because they have believed their own bullshit for so long that they simply dont know how to stand on their own two feet - Rise up and actually grow out of the habits they have SO enjoyed up to the present. These people are not satisfied with their own reflection in the mirror of the true nature of what goes on, nor do they stop at feasting and feeding like vultures on others. The trends are all there, those who see them, well, you know what is happening and what to do. For others, your curiosity will reward you IF youre prepared to grow up. Otherwise, you shall feed just as others will on you. Simple really - A truly spiritual person never flaunts it, never abounds in their own insecurities and NEVER groups together with wolves. All that has been noted and stated in the What IF video series, shall either come easily to you, or you may need to do some work and put effort in. But they have been designed for those who cant and wont swallow their own intellectualized excrement. And so, either rise above the ridiculously childish games people play here on FB or, become just like them....... Theyre screwed up but dont even know it and dont have the courage to see it. To me anyway, there really is NO choice but I guess others may not agree. :)
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 07:03:44 +0000

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