ALL OUT FOR JESUS DEVOTIONAL FRIDAY JANUARY 17 LISTEN AS YOU PRAY Acts 12:13 And when he knocked at the gate of the porch, a maid named Rhoda came to answer. While the church prayed for the release of Peter, Rhoda’s ear was at the door. I am sure she was part of the prayer meeting but her ear picked the knock on the door. The answer came knocking and she was the first to hear it. Faith prayed, must be faith expressed. As Elijah prayed, he sent his servant to go and see if there was a change in the weather (I Kings 18:44). When faith prays, faith must expect, faith must look out for signs, faith must listen to the shakings and the rumblings. Your ear may just pick a knock just as Rhoda did. God’s word is true and He confirms His word in our lives, for His name sake. May your prayer bring the answer to your door in Jesus name. Prayer Father make me sensitive to the signs of your answers to my prayers, in Jesus name, Amen. By: Pastor, Andrew Pappoe Jnr, Heritage Baptist Church - New Achimota, Accra, Ghana, West AFrica,https://facebook/andrew.pappoe Kindly share this devotional with as many as you can. God bless you. So far over 4,000 subscribers on whatsapp receive the devotional on their mobile devices daily. Let us continue to share with 3 friends of more. Spread the Word!! Let everything that has breath, Praise the Lord!!! Jesus saves!
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 04:08:04 +0000

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