“ALL YOU DO IS WARN US AND NOTHING EVER HAPPENS…” You’re right! There, I said it. Are you happy? All I do is warn, and nothing has happened… yet. Let me make a clarification if it hasn’t been clear prior to now… I’ve been SCREAMING FROM THE ROOFTOPS for 2+ years about one coming collapse…. ONE… and I’ve said from the beginning it’s not going to be a recession. It’s going to be BIBLICAL it’s going to be so bad! You know when I first used that word on THIS site? FEBRUARY OF 2013 I PUT MY PREDICTIONS IN WRITING… In that post I said the following: Ask the folks at the Congressional Budget Office, who released their annual “Long Term Budget Outlook” last month. According to the CBO, our national debt will be 101% of GDP in 2021. That’s right, the size of the national debt will be larger than the economy in 9 years AT CURRENT SPENDING. Anyone see Obama slowing down? What happens if your family has 75k in bills every year, but only brings in 60k in revenue? I’d say you’re in DEEP sh**. Oh yeah, any ridiculous thoughts you had about the government bailing out the broke liberal states should have just gone out the window. There is NO money. Worse! We’re NEGATIVE! What could possibly make all that happen MUCH sooner than 9 years from now? INFLATION!!!!!! YIPPEE! Bond yields are already rising, and the more money we print, the higher they will go, which means the price of bonds is dropping. What does bond yields rising mean? Translation: Interest Rates go up. We are printing 80 BILLION a month. At some point the Fed won’t be able to artificially keep rates low… then that 9 year figure before our interest payments are more than GDP could be more like 3-4 years, especially with Obama’s spending. In other words, we have another bubble. SEE THAT LAST LINE? 3-4 YEARS… LOOKS LIKE OUR GOOSE IS GOING TO BE COOKED EARLY Folks, here is what I can tell you… I’m in no better shape than anyone else despite the fact I’ve known about this as long as I have. I chose to get my doctorate for reasons largely personal, and I owe more for that sheet of paper than the average American mortgage is worth… not to mention a mortgage of my own, and not earning NEAR enough to “prep” and keep all my bills paid. WHY AM I TELLING YOU THAT? Because no matter how bombastic or sarcastic I can be at times (some might even say rude… can you imagine?)… my goal has never changed. I’ve always wanted to help my fellow patriots to the best of my ability. For 2-3 years I’ve had a few hundred nights I did not sleep so I could get my posts out. Anyone getting the newsletter that emails each post as I complete them wakes up many mornings to a full inbox. I’ve said all along, if you don’t have the means to “Prep,” or to BUILD A MILLION DOLLAR UNDERGROUND MANSION, if you do NOTHING ELSE… have a plan to get to your family no matter what. BE SURE YOU CHECK OUT THIS GUIDE TO SURVIVING MARTIAL LAW! When this goes south, if you’re lucky you can expect Martial Law, and with it there will be soldiers likely restricting people’s ability to travel. They can’t be everywhere at all times… our military just isn’t that big… so figure out how you’ll meet the kids if they’re at school and you’re at work… or whatever. I don’t know your situation… you do. In the words of one of the most “connected” men on earth… “HAVE AN EXIT PLAN” – Matt Drudge By the way, Id have a drastically alternate plan in the event you don’t have soldiers on every street corner restricting travel. If it’s not the military, I’ve often joked about it, but It’s not funny: EXPECT MAD MAX TYPE CONDITIONS! If you can’t picture what that looks like… picture Ferguson but without the police. 2015 IS ALREADY GOING DOWN A DARK PATH… WE’VE GOT ERIC HOLDER FORMING HIS OWN GESTAPO… Read on...
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 21:30:02 +0000

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