AMERICA A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY? WE CAN STOP THE PROCESS IF ONLY WE ARE WILLING! Read Deuteronomy 28. America is the poster country for this chapter of the Bible. And pray with us for revival in America. The globalists are doing so much to destroy our heritage. They are pumping out lies that cause people to doubt the Bible, to embrace unbiblical behavior and America is paying the price. Today from Sovereign Investor, written by Robert Bauman, former Congressman: The United States has fallen behind in nearly every measure imaginable. The so-called greatest country in the world is now third in median household income, number four in labor force, number four in exports, seventh in literacy, 22nd in science, 27th in math, 34th in infant mortality and 35th in life expectancy. Would you like to know what we are first in? The U.S. is first in health care spending but 35th in life expectancy. We’re first in the number of incarcerated citizens per capita. We’re first in defense spending. In 1962, at a reelection rally in Ohio for my good friend, the late Congressman John Ashbrook, I first heard Ronald Reagan give “The Speech,” as it came to be known. Citing Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Reagan added: “The average age of the world’s great civilizations has been 200 years.” The evening I heard Reagan utter those words, America was yet to celebrate its 200th birthday — now we are in the 238th year of our independence. The United States has long since ceased to be the “greatest” at anything — anything laudable, that is. By most measures, we’re rapidly sliding toward Third World status, although in some respects, such as our governance, we’re already there. Indeed, if you’re an American, you’re living in a country that now ranks 12th in the Heritage Foundation’s annual Index of Economic Freedom. Not even in the top 10. Ireland and the tiny Indian Ocean state of Mauritius outrank us. (Arlean comment: Even the small country of Chile outranks us!) And the United States, once a “shining city on a hill” illumining a dark world with our practice of liberty, is now considered a bad example by Human Rights Watch. The group’s most recent report worries that “governments with poor human rights records may try to follow in America’s footsteps,” justifying their repression of citizen’s rights by citing our own. Indeed, my son Ted, who lived in southern Africa for many years, recalls Zimbabwean dictator Robert Mugabe explaining his draconian “terrorism” laws by saying: “after all, the U.S. does the same thing.” Indeed we do: Detention without trial, extrajudicial killing, seizures of assets without any crime having been committed or sentence pronounced. Nice company to be in.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 11:00:35 +0000

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