AMERICAN PATRIOT PARTY OPPOSITION to the FAIRTAX, FLAT TAX 8% Percent Solution tax and other Tax Schemes The FairTax is to Constitutional Taxation as the Patriot Act is to the 2nd Amendment and being secure in your papers and effects. They are Arbitrary Undelegated BUY, SELL AND TRADE TAXES meant to support the wasteful bureaucracies we now have; While it presents the removal of the IRS, it establishes a joint invasive federal over state tax bureaucracy. When you dislike the devil, do you invite him to dinner? Then give him TITLE to your home and state?!!! This is what the FairTax and 8% Tax propose! Open your eyes before you get stuck with another catchy title! These "so called economists" that the Fair Tax group has stated have reviewed and support it, are exactly what got us the income tax to pay for more government; and you want to listen??? They have no more safeguards against political interpretation or manipulation than they have with the income tax now! It invites the federal government to combine state and federal powers of taxation into ONE TAX. The danger is under the surface in the guise of "simple" and "fairness", it is tax founded on Jealousy just as the income tax is now. And you can see how well the income tax has worked. Yes, the income tax needs to be removed as well as the IRS, But you do not need to replace it with a more invasive tax; And invasive it will be. Instead of creating a constitutionally sound system separating the powers, or limit and control spending, it establishes yet another undelegated power and attempts to draw in even more money (and in fact states that it will) to pay for the existing bureaucracies... "Less the IRS and Compliance costs" is not an excuse for creating a federal oversight into state tax bureaucracy. They say these tax systems save money, then both turn around and make the statement that they "will increase tax revenue"!!! Hello?
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 13:47:30 +0000

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