ANOTHER PICK FROM MY TOP 10 UNDERRATED DISNEY ANIMATED FILMS: 04. FANTASIA 2000: At the dawn of the 2000s, Disney tried once again to recapture what had started as a complete experiment for Walt Disney of combining animation with the works of classical music composers. The original FANTASIA, which financially failed (although it was still a big critical success and lauded by audiences) , has gone down in history for many as one of the best Disney animated films of all time (and apparently, they even attempted a second movie around WW2). So, while it’s aggravating to think why this was never tried right in the 80s/90s where most of the great animators of recent years were really on par with great work, the results are still some of the most beautiful animation (both hand-drawn and CGI, and often combined) every done in recent years from Disney. I dare say there wasn’t a short during this film that I personally didn’t love. The best for me was easily RHAPSODY IN BLUE (a very 50s New Yorker styled jazz piece, directed by animator Eric Goldberg, who animated the Genie from ALADDIN, and this piece had his classic zany comedic flow), as well as FIREBIRD (obviously the most homage to anime director Hayao Miyazaki) and PINES OF ROME (easily the most epic piece, as well as the best CGI/Hand-drawn collaboration work Disney had done until TREASURE PLANET, and even that doesn’t top this short). Even the lesser short with the flamingo yo-yo player is at least short enough to keep our intention. Sadly, the only problem I have with FANTASIA 2000 is easily the presenters. This was just painful and thankfully, I saw FANTASIA 2000 on DVD so I could easily skip these after the first viewing (most of them are being really corny and make terrible introductions, apart from the actual conductor). Apart from that, FANTASIA 2000 was a beautiful tribute to a great experiment, and personally, I feel this really should’ve been tried more, if anything to celebrate the beauty of animation with epic feeling music.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 03:30:27 +0000

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