ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT JUST CREATED FOR OBAMA – BY constitutional lawyer Michael Connelly The FIRST article of impeachment - Obama, in violation of his oath of office has repeatedly ignored this Constitutional mandate by refusing to enforce laws against illegal immigration, defend in court the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), and enforce Federal voting laws.” “Article 2, Section 3 of the Constitution The SECOND article of impeachment - Obama “has repeatedly violated his oath of office and the requirements of the Constitution by willfully withholding information on important issues or actively taken part in misleading the Congress and the American people.” Not that we needed any examples of these, but Article II mentions Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the Lois Lerner/IRS scandal, and the labeling of the Fort Hood shooting as “workplace violence,” amongst others. The second article also argues that the “oath of office of the President of the United States requires him to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.” The FINAL article argues that, in his role as commander-in-chief, President Obama has failed America as well. “Endangered the lives of members of the American military and American civilians by negotiating with terrorists to trade five high level Taliban leaders in exchange for an American soldier who deserted his post and his fellow soldiers.” Yeah, that happened. “Has deliberately destroyed the morale and effectiveness of Border Patrol agents by interfering with their attempts to fulfill their oath of office and enforce laws legally passed by the U.S. Congress.” That too. “Has ordered the release of thousands of illegal aliens who have been convicted of serious crimes in the U.S. to be released and stay in the country after they have served their sentences. This violates the requirements of Federal law that such people be immediately deported.” Why is this guy still president again? conservativetribune/articles-impeachment-obama/
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 06:45:47 +0000

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