REPUBLICAN PARTY NOT WORTH SAVING… Posted on October 17, 2013 - TopicsExpress


REPUBLICAN PARTY NOT WORTH SAVING… Posted on October 17, 2013 by jcarroll REPUBLICAN PARTY NOT WORTH SAVING… Posted on February 23, 2013 by jcarroll The dream of the vast majority of Americans is not to become millionaires, but to have the 30 essentials for living, not just existing. This is possible if we enact the Five-Finger Liberal Agenda. THE 30 ESSENTIALS OF LIFE FOR LIVING –NOT JUST EXISTING ARE: ROOF OVER THEIR HEAD, CLOTHES ON THEIR BACK, FOOD ON THE TABLE, AUTOMOBILE, EDUCATION, HEALTH CARE, ALARM CLOCK, LIGHTS ON, WATER RUNNING, TOILET FLUSHING, AIR CONDITION, STOVE, REFRIGERATOR, DISH WASHER, WASHING MACHINE, CLOTHES DRYER, MICROWAVE, COFFEE POT, BATH TUB, SHOWER, FURNITURE, LINENS AND THINGS, TV SET, COMPUTER, HOUSE PHONE, CELL PHONE, VACUUM CLEANER, VACATION, TOILET PAPER AND A JOB OR INCOME THAT WILL PROVIDE THESE 30 THINGS. ALL OF THESE ARE POSSIBLE NOW. WHY WAIT? THE ONLY THING BLOCKING THE DOOR TO THE AMERICAN DREAM IS THE REPUBLICAN PARTY; THAT DREAM COULD BE NOW. THIS PLAN IS THE OBJECTIVE OF EVERY GOOD LIBERAL. THREE QUESTIONS EVERY GOOD LIBERAL PUT TO HIS OR HER OWN MIND EVERY DAY: Do I want to know the truth about politics, business, science, religion, morals and life; or do I merely want to prove that the notions I already have about these things are correct? Am I willing to lay aside the convictions of a life-time and all the traditions and beliefs of history and all the customs of my social class when I come into the presence of a new fact long enough to find out whether or not this new fact ought to change my point of view? Have I ever without mental reservations, prejudice, bias, set notions and dogmas, surrender my mind completely to the examination of the reasons for my most cherished opinions; that is, have I surrendered my mind completely to an acceptance of the truth, whether it leads me to heaven or hell REACH JIM CARROLL 865-470-2610 Visit internetfreepress Should Be The Five-Finger liberal Agenda Of Msnbc… Should Be The Five-Finger Liberal Agenda of MSNBC. 1. ADEQUATE MONETARY SYSTEM: The three functions of the Federal Reserve to lower or raise discount rates, to buy or sell securities on the open market, to lower or raise the reserve requirements for member banks are inadequate for maintaining a balanced money supply at all times. By adding a FOURTH AND A FIFTH FUNCTION to the monetary system, a balanced money supply could be achieved. The fourth function would index the PAYROLL TAX on a scale of 1 to 10 which would bring a better balance. The index could be lowered when more money is desired in the consumers pockets and raised when less is needed. NEW MONEY WOULD BE CREATED TO MAKE UP THE DEFICIT, NOT BORROWED FROM CHINA OR ANYONE ELSE. A fifth function could be added by using Article 1, Section 8, of the Constitution to coin money and regulate the value there of, and then by-pass the banking industry and give the money to the Treasury Department. The Treasury could fund infrastructure work, and give money to the states to help them fund programs. States gave up there right to create money when they joined the United States of America. The American people needs to know that banks BUY and SELL money like all other businesses do; that when a bank pays 2 percent for money and sell it for 8 percent, the banks make 400 percent gross profit and not 6 percent like they would like for you to think. If a merchant pays two dollars for a candy bar and sells it for eight dollars, the gross profit would be 400 percent just like a bank buying money for two dollars and selling it for eight dollars. The gross profit would be 400 percent. Banks are engaged in Loan sharking! ANY INTEREST RATE OVER 5 PERCENT IS USURY. THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT NEEDS TO CREATE NEW MONEY EACH YEAR EQUIVALENT TO THE INCREASE IN THE GREED INDEX WHICH IS CALLED INFLATION. INFLATION IS AN EUPHEMISM FOR THEFT. GREED WITH A PRICE MARKER DEVALUES MONEY. Article 1, Section 8, of the Constitution gives Congress three way to raise money: taxation, borrowing money, and most important coining money and regulating the value. Congress uses a two leg stool when the stool has three legs. The economic assets of America consists of more than one year of GDP or GNP. The economics assets of America are more like 213 trillion dollars. Multiply 14.6 times 14.6 that will give you a more accurate number. The total assets of the Federal Government is a quadrillion dollars. The deficit is a National Joke of small minded people. YOUR MONEY IS DEVALUED WITH A PRICE MARKER, NOT BY CREATING NEW MONEY TO CREATE NEW JOBS. INFLATION IS AN EUPHEMISM FOR THEFT. REACH JIM CARROLL 865-470-2610 Visit internetfreepress Article 1 – The Legislative Branch Section 8 – Powers of Congress ***See to coin money… The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States; To borrow money on the credit of the United States; To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes; To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States; **** To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures; WHY NOT USE THIS LEG OF A THREE LEG STOOL TO SOLVE AMERICA’S ECONOMIC PROBLEMS? WHY USE ONLY TWO LEGS? 2. RESERVE RETRAINING WORK FORCE: The greatest problem facing America is EMPLOYMENT AND UNEMPLOYMENT. This problem can be PERMANENTLY solved by establishing a Reserve Retraining Work force. Everyone would be in the regular work force or in the Reserve-Retraining Work force. All unemployment would be by choice. It wouldn’t matter which side of the track you were born on, you would go to school free, and in some case the unemployed would get paid a living wage while going to school. Any one could go as far as their mind will let them by making passing grades. Employment offices would mean what they say: employment or education with pay. 3. ALL AMERICANS WHO WANT TO OWN A HOME SHOULD BE ABLE TO, REGARDLESS OF INCOME. The Federal Government should endow a HOME LOAN FUND, so anyone making below average wages could borrow money to finance a home at an interest rate from 1% to 3% FOR UP TO 40 YEARS. The Federal Government must become a competitor of the banking industry. Public enterprise has as much right to exist as does private enterprise. The Constitution call for a form of MIXTURISM: business and government working together to meet the needs and desires of all the people. 4. HEALTH CARE SYSTEM: Since the average health care claims run under $10,000, the Federal Government could pay all claims over $10,000 for only 16 billion dollars per 1 trillion dollars of total health care cost. Without having to worry about claims for over $10,000, small businesses and small organizations could self-insure which would put real competition in the insurance industry where none now exist. THIS WILL LEAD TO A SINGLE PAY UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE SYSTEM. Obama Care is a giant step toward Universal Health Care. Paying all claims over $10,000 dollars is the next step. Public enterprise has as much right to exist as does private enterprise. All the Government wants and needs to do is provide the money to pay for health care. The Government doesn’t want to own doctors or hospitals. It just wants to make sure doctors and hospitals get paid. The last thing that Government wants or needs to do is take over doctors and hospitals. A poor argument made by those who oppose Universal Health Care. 5. A FIRST CLASS EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM CAN BEST BE ESTABLISHED BY HAVING THE TEACHER BECOME THE DIRECTOR OF A PLANNED PROGRAM THAT WILL REACH ALL OBJECTIVES DESIRED USING THE BEST OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. WE COULD SPEND A BILLION DOLLARS ON EVERY COURSE BEING TAUGHT IN HIGH SCHOOL THAT WOULD TEACH EVERY THING KNOWN ON THE SUBJECT BY EXPERTS AND THAT WOULD BE CHEAPER THAN WHAT WE ARE NOW SPENDING ON EDUCATION, AND IT WOULD ALLOW ALL TEACHERS TO DO A SUPER JOB OF TEACHING. NATURE’S BASIS LAW OF ECONOMICS STATES: There are only two kinds of resources: people and natural. All goods and services flow from the action of people resources on natural resources. Money is the medium of exchange of which there should always be a balanced supply. Article 1, Section 8, of the Constitution gives Congress three means to raise money: taxation, borrowing money and most important the right to coin and print money or put bytes on a computer chip. Why only use two legs of a three-legged stool? The question that should always be asked: what is it that needs to be done? If there are people resources and natural resource available, there is no excuse for not getting the job done. The lack of money is not a valid excuse since Article 1, Section 8, 0f the Constitution gives Congress the power to create the money needed. MIXTURISM the book The rational economic, ethical and political philosophy for the 21st century and beyond. Authored by James M. Carroll ISBN O-89826-068-X Visit the Internet Free Press for solutions to economic problems.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 23:43:45 +0000

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