ATHEISTS DONT EXIST!?! This little rant was triggered by the - TopicsExpress


ATHEISTS DONT EXIST!?! This little rant was triggered by the accompanying video, and illustrates one of the primary reasons I refuse to identify as atheist. Let me say, it is possible to be godless, a non-believer or atheist without being a rationalist, but it is not possible for a rationalist to be a believer. However I’m beginning here in the same dark alley as this video seeks to explore. For a start, a rationalist, prior to engaging in debate, would insist on defined, agreed definitions. In my observation, at least, American Atheists display all the irrational passion of their religious foes. Like their religious counterparts, these atheists have a mass of disparate definitions, assigned to what is a rejection of the religious gods we are confronted by. A rejection based on rational evidence. Any worthy non-believer would openly accept the reality of a ‘god’ if sufficient evidence was presented. For my part, I can only say that if there is a god it we would be unlikely to recognise it, or it us. The math of and god argument is simply, ridiculously impossible. Yet the atheist often feels compelled to argue against incredibly insubstantial belief. It seems to me a no-sum game, and invariably skips the vital; “define your terms!” I am constantly confounded and annoyed by declared atheists who hold their beliefs like holy writ. I will not be labelled by one or a set of words. For a start, the tendency to redefine words to score points makes it a pointless exercise. Secondly, no matter how rigidly I seem to hold a point of view, it can and does change when more evidence is presented. So that any label which might be current today will be a nonsense tomorrow. An example of that might be spirituality. But defining that word in a way it is accepted universally is impossible. My simple, unequivocal definition: Spirituality is the idea that we are part of something greater than our physical selves. I would assert, from ideas developed by Carl Jung, that we are part of the ‘unconscious cloud’. A concept without scientific support? I hardly think so. Painfully slowly, often in widely unrelated disciplines, the utility of Elecro-magnetic waves from our minds is being proved and measured. That is in transmitting internal instruction sets in the body. At the same time there is a growing base of evidence showing we transmit those waves beyond our own body/mind to the biosphere. I don’t hold the concept as holy writ, as all we have to date is indicative not empirical proof of anything. But it does illustrate my current concept of spirituality. I make no apology for that, science only proceeds through curiosity and seeking truths. The view of some rationalist/atheists that unproven concepts are nonsense is belied by the fact that science still continues and makes progress from strange notions. Now if atheists and religious folk could stop debating false arguments, start focusing on realities the world would begin to become a far more pleasant place to exist. ATHEISTS DONT EXIST! (ft. Jaclyn Glenn)
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 00:43:28 +0000

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