ATTITUDES No matter what we do in life, our attitude is very - TopicsExpress


ATTITUDES No matter what we do in life, our attitude is very important. How we feel about doing something can mean the difference between success and failure and even heaven and hell. As we read and study the people of the Bible, we see the attitudes with which they conducted their lives. We can see those who did not have the proper attitude and those who did. This article will look at some who did not have the proper attitude, some who did, and some areas where we, as Christians, must have the proper attitude. Those who had the wrong attitude. Those at the time of Noah had the wrong attitude. Every imagination of their heart was continually evil (Gen. 6:5). They were destroyed as a result. Those who built the Tower of Babel had the attitude that they did not need God to get to heaven but would simply build a tower and get there on their own. Their language was confused and they were scattered throughout the earth (Gen. 11:1-9). The Israelites had been freed from the bondage of Egypt and should have had an attitude of gratefulness. Instead, they constantly complained. As a result, they were made to wander in the wilderness for 40 years and many did not see the Promised Land (Ex. 15:24; 16:2-3; Num. 14:2). The Scribes and Pharisees had a “holier than thou” attitude and were always trying to find fault with Jesus. Those who had the proper attitude. Noah found grace in the eyes of God and was commanded to build an ark that he and his family would be safe when God destroyed the earth by food. Noah did all God commanded him to do and he and his family were saved (Gen. 6). Abraham was told by God to leave his home and go to a place He would show him. Abraham did as God commanded without question and became the father of a great nation and entered into a covenant with God (Gen. 12). He was also commanded to offer his only son, Isaac, the son of promise, as a sacrifice. This he also did without question and God stopped him before he slew Isaac. In this Abraham showed his faith in God (Gen. 22:1-14). The attitude of Jesus before His betrayal, arrest, and crucifixion shows that, although He did not want to suffer the separation from God, He was willing to go to the cross to save us from our sins. In His prayer He said, “not My will, but Thine be done” (Luke 22:41-42). The attitude of Paul was dramatically changed when he became a Christian. He no longer tried to destroy the Lord’s church but he established many congregations. He gave his life in the service of God. Areas in which we should have the proper attitude. We must have an attitude of willingness when it comes to obeying the Gospel, teaching others the Word of God, and worshipping God as He has put forth in the pages of the New Testament. Our attitude must be one of willingness and obedience. May we ever have the proper attitude in our lives and service to God? – Kip Adams
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 20:53:50 +0000

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