AUSTRALIA IS WEALTHY Well that is what the Bank for - TopicsExpress


AUSTRALIA IS WEALTHY Well that is what the Bank for International Settlements says. So why is the Federal Government picking on the elderly taking away their senior benefits. The BIS says that the Australian banks are the most profitable in the developed world. The BIS must know, they can not be a bunch of fools mouthing off lies. So who is wealthy in Australia? Certainly not all the seniors. The Iron ore and coal barons are rolling in money. The banks are rolling in money but who in the banks is getting all this bank profit. If Australia is rolling in money why is the Liberal party crying foul and saying that people like the seniors have to tighten up their budgets. Why does Government pick on the vulnerable people? Because the vulnerable people are easier to pick on whereas if the Government went after the rich people for more money the rich will stonewall the Government. The rich can use propaganda, lawyers, courts, money in the pocket of politicians (the rich peoples bum boys). We also know that liberal is the rich persons party. The rich support the liberal party. Just as the unions support the Labour Party. Political partys do not run on air or sunshine they need money. Politics is a lot about money. Theres now talk of Australia becoming a food bowl for China - more money then coming in to Australia; Australia has never had it so good in terms of money. But the federal Government is screwing with the seniors. No doubt seniors in the next federal election will remember how liberal have treated them. So we get in Australia The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Only a cream of our population is benefiting from sale of our nations raw materials. Liberal is too influenced by the rich people. Money talks too much for the liberal party. The rich people can afford to pay more tax. I can imagine the rich make it their duty to employ lawyers and accountants to do their earnest best to work through tax loop holes, anything, any strategy to reduce the rich peoples tax. Federal Liberal wont go after the rich for more money because the liberal party is the rich persons party and it is too hard to get money out of the rich because the rich use any methods at their disposal to fight against paying more taxes. The rich have money and money can influence. The federal liberal party go the easy way and screw with the vulnerable people like the elderly. The elderly can not afford lawyers and media etc to fight their cause.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 08:30:51 +0000

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