AVOID THIS COMPANY, AVOID THESE TREATS AND THEIR DERIVATIVES: Sergeants Pet Care Products Inc. - PUR LUV Dog Treats Sergeants Pet Products SG Ive made this public, please share to all dog owners you know. I apologize if any of you are eating, but feel this is too important not to share. If you give these to your dog, stop! Take them back! Ask for your money back and tell the employee or ask for a manager to warn them about this product. Hopefully they may contact the company themselves or pull them off the shelves (I know I would, I was a pretty stubborn pet care employee). Feel free to reference my photos when attempting to return them to where you bought them. Last time Mayzie was feeling under the weather which I figured was from a bug of some sort, she wouldnt eat much and had diarrhea. I found a piece of something like PlayDoh on my bedroom floor, broke it open, found a flax seed and concluded it was from one of these treats. What was odd was that she hadnt had one in a few days. I didnt think too much of it after that and avoided giving them for a while. I hadnt given her one since because I generally dont treat her much and shed finally moved on to some actual rawhide chews wrapped in chicken jerky. I was using these just as a step along the way to training her to chew actual bones and rawhides. I found it a bit odd that she was waking me up crying every three or four hours last night and this morning. She had been peeing and pooping normally, so I attributed it to getting attention, which was also odd as Id trained that out very early on. She was also being stubborn about it given my harsh reprimands and ignoring of the behavior. I finally woke up when I heard her starting to yack. What you see in the photo is what she threw up just now. Its been a little over TWO DAYS since she has one of these chews. In the meantime, she has been peeing and pooping normally. She also ate a bowl of kibble while this was bugging her, which was also obviously digested as its not present in her vomit. Yes, she doesnt chew them up enough, but that should honestly not matter for something of any size in a dogs stomach for two entire days. Shes had a rawhide or two in the interim, which she doesnt chew up enough either, and theyve digested just fine. Not exactly sure how I should go about warning others about this. Im sure a letter to the company will fall on deaf ears, but I really dont want others and their dogs to have to deal with this. (The black is part of an Old Navy bag she got ahold of, which was honestly MORE digested and had been in her stomach for LESS time. Its a woven plastic reusable bag, btw. Plastic digests better than these treats! ) Update: just looked this up, all negative reviews have the same issues amazon/Pur-Luv-Grande-32-Ounce-12-Count/product-reviews/B0044QASQ2
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 19:26:22 +0000

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