AZERBAIJANI AND THE POLITICAL EVOLUTION OF THE REPUBLICAN STATUS. The actual state of Azerbaijani (the northern Azerbaijan)(1) is geographically found in the southeast of the Caucasus region on this coordinates 39’ 24” north latitude and 44’ 46” east latitude.(2). The territorial border in a ground online captures a length of 2013 km while it surface reaches 86.600 square kilometers. His natural confines are : on east is limited with Caspian Sea (Hazar Denizi), on west is limited with Armenia, on north is limited with Russia, in northwest with Georgia, in south is limited with Iran and in sowthwest with Turkey. Today Azerbaijani enjoys the presidential republic political status.Refering to the state constitution , Azerbaijani is determined like a independent, democratic and laic state.(3) In Reversal with other states of the Transcaucasus region , Azerbaijani has a reach historical tradition in the organizing the state statute. The Azerbaijani tradition is strongly related with the Russian Empire during the last 10 years of the XX century. On the declining of the Russian Empire and the victory of the revolution of the October 1917, the Azerbaijani nation had the chance tp be disconnected from the tsarist regime. On 28 May 1918 after the distribution of the Caucasian Congress the National Convocation declared Azerbaijani an independent state with the politic status “The Democratic Republic Of Azerbaijani”.(4). The president of the state was appointed Mehmet Emin Resulzade.The durability of the Azerbaijani state was short and lasted till 28 April 1920.During this period from the Moscow government on March 1922( 12 March 1922- 5 December 1936) was given the order for the creation of “ The Soviet Federative Socialist Republic of Transcaucasus.”(5). Part of the new political formation were declared three new republics created one by one after the revolution of 25 October ( 7 November) of the year 1917: Azerbaijani; Armenia:and Georgia. The year 1936 had signed a new political evolution for the organizing of the statut rules of the state. According to it’s political intentions on benefiting the goods of the Azerbaijani land the Moscow government realised a new separative administrative-politic of the Soviet Federative Socialist Republic of Transcaucasus. The Moscow government separated the Azerbaijani state and gave to this state another political status, the status of the Soviet Federative Socialist Republic of Transcaucasus.(6) The new structural form of the Azerbaijani state was accompanied with new changes on the political structure. In the ending of the “80 ‘s of the XX century was even considered a new era evolution. Even the Azerbaijani state and Caucasus regions, like all other states won his liberty from the political changes in the Russian politic from the Russian president Mihail Gorbaçov of Perestrojka and Glassnost. The political changes showed that intrigues against the Azerbaijani have to affect again this state.The painful event of the 20 January confirmed again the role of the negative intrigue plans. On 18 October “91 “ The Azerbaijani High Council” approved The Indipendence Paper Declaration. The victory of the independence ensured the membership of Azerbaijani on the Community Of The Indipendent States. At the same time this historical day marked the ending of the consecutive political transformations on organizing the state. All the new changes reflected the hope of the Azerbaijani people for democracy and freedom. The political history of Azerbaijan State after the triumph of democracy in his direction has known these presidents: Ayaz Mutallibov - 1991-1992 (Ajaz Mutalibov) Ebulfez Elçibey - 1992-1993 (Ebulfez Elçibej) Hǝydar Әliyev - 1993-1998, 1998-2003 (Haydar Aliyev) Elham Әliyev - 2003-2008, 2008-2013 (Ilham Aliyev) Dr. Entela Muco (Study, Historian and Osmanologe copyrights@reserved) Head Of The “Friendship Scientific And Cultural Society Albania Azerbaijan” Translated and Arranged from “Albanian” in to“English”: Manula Kotini (Specialist In Archive ;Lawyer, Legal Advisor of the Albanian- Azerbaijani Society )
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 07:34:29 +0000

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