According to science, its the overabundance of choice that makes - TopicsExpress


According to science, its the overabundance of choice that makes you less likely to find a good match. You could find someone online who would make a great match for you in real life, but because they have a different religion, or a child, or are trying to build a death ray to enslave humanity, you move on to the next option. Its like not considering an exceptional deal on a used car because youre holding out for a dealer to pay you to take a brand new one off of their hands. Then there is the fact that profiles are a terrible way to figure out if you are compatible with someone. I know youve already started blaming all those potential life partners for lying on their questionnaires and posting old photos from when they weighed less than a dump truck full of 50 Shades novels. Bad news: Its not them, its YOU. Science has proven that people are terrible at consciously knowing what attracts them to others. You might claim to like blondes but then only hit on brunettes. Or you might say you want someone with a great sense of humor and then get embarrassed when they arrange their vegetables to look like a cock and balls at your parents Thanksgiving dinner. Especially if they do it with a human stencil in the same fashion that kids draw hand turkeys
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 05:15:57 +0000

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