Acknowledge Him! Are you facing some huge challenges in your - TopicsExpress


Acknowledge Him! Are you facing some huge challenges in your life & are unsure what to do? The Bible tells you to “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5). In other words, when faced with challenges you are not supposed to trust what you see & understand about your situation. He goes on to further say…”In all of your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path.” He is telling you that HE will make your path clear to you. Knowing the right path is KEY to making the right decisions that will lead you to your destination. You see, YOU are made in the image of our Creator. You are a spirit being that lives in a physical body in a physical realm & you do not know how to navigate the supernatural realm. You need a GUIDE to direct you. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord & Savior the Holy Spirit lives within you. He is your guide and He knows the path you need to take with every situation in your life. Our problems arise when we begin to direct our own paths and ignore the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Are you living a “driven” life or a “directed” life? A driven life is all based in self effort and human sweat. A directed life is one is which you lean on God to direct every decision in your life. When living a directed life “His yoke is easy & His burdens light.” In other words, a directed life is not filled with worry & anxiety. God wants you to admit that He exists, that He is real and true in your life. He wants you to acknowledge His presence in your life each & every day…by waking up in the morning & saying something like…”Thank you Father that your presence is with me. I acknowledge that you are with me. I’m facing some huge challenges in my life and & I don’t know what is going to happen but I acknowledge that you are with me and because you are with me things are going to work out for my good. You love ME & I trust YOU!” It’s important not to just trust Him in the big things but in the little things too. Acknowledge Him by asking him…”Lord what should I wear today? What should I have for lunch today”? Start practicing acknowledging Him in ALL things. When you face a stressful situation today acknowledge that God is as real as every situation, every circumstance that you are standing in. He is as real as anything you can see, touch or feel. . Remember my friend, the things in which you can “see” are temporal. The things in which you cannot see are “eternal.” Trust Him and do not be moved by your circumstances and what you “see.” As soon as you’re faced with your next challenge acknowledge God & His presence. What is God going to do? Is He going to pour down provision from Heaven to you? No, because everything you need has ALREADY been poured down from Heaven & made available in your spirit! I truly believe this is Satan’s #1 fear…that YOU will finally realize that the battle has already been won for you, the price already been paid in full & you will start living in the victory that Christ died to give YOU! It is your BELIEF that manifests the provision from the supernatural realm into the physical realm. 3 John 2 says…”Beloved I pray that you may prosper in ALL things & be in health, just as your soul prospers.” In order to access the healing and/or provision you need to listen & obey the direction of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit wants to DIRECT YOUR PATH. How do you know there is a path to healing & deliverance? How do you know there is a path to abundant living? The last three words Jesus spoke on the cross before He died was IT IS FINISHED! Jesus paid the price for your deliverance & now all you have to do is RECEIVE it! In order to do this you must allow the Holy Spirit to take you down that good path. You do this by acknowledging Him. Don’t be afraid of the path He will take you down because that path is GOOD! It is the path that leads you to the good life! Sometimes it’s not always comfortable being led by the Holy Spirit because you can’t “see” where you are going. Plus, so many people are afraid to relinquish control & just TRUST God. You see, He sees the WHOLE picture of your life, not just a snap shot of today. He is working things out on the other side and setting things up that you can’t even begin to imagine. If you just trust Him & listen to Him He will guide you and bring you to that thing you desire. Are you going down the path that seems right to you or the path He is directing you down? The Bible says if you go down the path that seems right to you the end thereof is destruction. God forsake His son so He doesn’t have to forsake YOU! He is asking you to believe that He is with you during your hard times and that He will never leave or forsake you. He will lead you out of trouble and lead you down the path of your healing and deliverance. You just have to TRUST Him! How do you “trust” Him? This is simple to say but how do you actually DO it? By practicing it everyday! Make a habit of talking to the Holy Spirit everyday, by having fellowship with Him everyday…not just seeking His hand, but seeking His face. Talk to Him while you’re in the car. Turn off the radio and spend time with Him. Say to Him…”You are real and I thank you for your presence in my life.” Over time your heart becomes so flexible to it. God will prepare things for you that can’t do in your own strength. How do you spend time with God? There is a difference between praying and communing with God. Communing is not just one sided…both sides have a part in that communing. After praying be quite and just listen. Self effort feels like you haven’t prayed if aren’t talking all the time. Do you trust the Holy Spirit enough to be quite? Give God a chance to get a word in. Be satisfied with a day to day communion with a friend, a partner. Don’t be so inundated by wrong religious beliefs that you think “quiet time” is a waste of time. Getting what you want is usually not going down the path you think is right. His ways are so much better than ours. His thoughts are so much better than ours. If you want the path that goes to the good life you must spend time with the Holy Spirit because He knows WHERE that path is. Proverbs 20:27 says…“The Spirit of the Man is the candle of the Lord.” Your born again spirit is HOW God guides you through this intricate maze of life. Have you ever had a hunch about something? Something that just told you what to do? It wasn’t a hunch it was God leading you. He will give you inside information. He is the ultimate “insider.” If you have no peace about a decision you’re about to make then you need to stop & listen. Sometimes we don’t recognize it was the word of God until we’re actually in the mess. This is why it is important to PRACTICE by being in the word everyday. You will learn to recognize His small still voice. You can trust your born again spirit to lead you down the RIGHT path. The Holy Spirit will protect you from unnecessary hurt and pain! Most of our frustration from God comes when we don’t understand something. But as believers we have the Holy Spirit living inside of us that grants us the access to things we don’t understand and gives us the wisdom and know how to draw it out. He knows how to lead and guide you beyond what you know in your physical mind. He wants to build you up and prepare you for your future. He is depositing wisdom on the inside of you and information you’ll need for your future. This is called leading a SPIRIT LED LIFE…walking in the spirit. God wants to turn your dreams into a reality! He is a GOOD God and has a GREAT plan for your future! In order for Him to do this you must acknowledge His presence in your life on a daily basis. He knows everything & is your unseen partner. An Open Bible and a prayerful spirit are keys. When you put your trust in the Holy Spirit He guides you into the perfect will for your life! Have a great day! God Bless You! Sherry :-)
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 16:03:30 +0000

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