Adam Kifuddekwe Siba Kabano has pledged 100,000 lunch to the - TopicsExpress


Adam Kifuddekwe Siba Kabano has pledged 100,000 lunch to the Uganda Needy Social Fund ..we thank you... the Uganda Needy Social Fund initiative...The Uganda Needy Social Fund is a Social Movement built on compassion…its Munno Mukabi…Yours in danger and or Trouble...I donate a Lunch to you, you donate a Lunch to me. At 5000 shillings Lunch sacrifice a week and with a social base of 100,000 people in a year we would have 24 Billion shillings...In case of an emergency, this Fund can treat you and I in any Hospital on Earth...And certainly not all of Us will be in such situations at the same time.....This means from the annual savings we can build a ultra Modern Medical Facility in our vicinity. We can reverse the trek to Aghan Khan Hospital…in Nairobi…Yes We can.. We are using the same model our peasants employ.... They have Associations known as Bataka Kweziika...We Bury Each Other... When one dies, they contribute to burial expenses... Traditionally, when one dies, we contribute Mabugo... The only times when peasants come closer to saving life, is when one is in an emergency, the community move in a mass and carry you to Hospital... They sometimes trek long distances...Men do this and women stay home but contribute food and cook for men who have participated...We assist each other in weddings and Introductions…Okwanjura…Yes ….we do this…we assist each other in creating that life....Give me Lunch therefore is aimed at Marshaling capacity to save a life that would otherwise have been lost due to lack of means…And we can do it….it’s possible. Our Ancestors and with limited means left monuments…Timbuktu University and the Wonder of the Pyramids.. . We too can leave a monument for our descendants…and we will do it… Help spark off this wave….and it will surely grow into a mighty Tide that will crash walls of resistance and oppression..Where you and I wont die for lack of means…out of the barrier of the Spirit of Currency…. And Jesus Christ says, give me water and I give you water of Life, I say unto you, give me Lunch and I give you Lunch…and Together we save a life… Let’s do it…
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 09:05:36 +0000

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