After seeing a post yesterday from a puppy farmer selling puppies - TopicsExpress


After seeing a post yesterday from a puppy farmer selling puppies Id just like to share a few photos of the state our rescue, Bonnie, was in after starting her life in the hands of a back yard breeder. She was kept in a cold outhouse with only a concrete floor to sleep on. She was underweight with her hip bones slightly visible, a broken tail, and as you can see her fur was stained from being left in her own mess which also caused urine burns on her paws that were very painful for her. She ate her own feces because she was malnourished from being fed on boiled carrots only. She required daily baths for a month to clean her legs and sooth her paws. She also has long term hip troubles. She doesnt trust strangers and it takes her awhile to warm to people. The puppies are never the priority for backyard breeders like this, its all about the money which is why it is best to seek as much info about your chosen breeder and be sure to see the parents and living conditions.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 20:42:35 +0000

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