After virtually 48 hours with very little sleep, i am in bed with - TopicsExpress


After virtually 48 hours with very little sleep, i am in bed with tea and and an almost comically large glass of water. But, lets recap. First, Amy decides to throw us a birthday party- that was pretty rad to begin with. Then, on the day of, she informs us that the third floor will be devoted to lasers, Labyrinth and general mayhem. Then YOU ALL SHOW UP and that is when things get pretty AMAZING. You brought thoughtful gifts, booze, and most importantly- friendship. Horse masks, Luchedor masks, clown piñatas (Sarah Madia!!!)....and then... Rebecca and I are torn away from a David Bowie dance party to listen to what was probably the coolest thing to ever happen to us. Brett and Brian Jump croon us with As the World Falls Down from our favorite movie. A lot of effort and thought went into this, and I am forever thankful. Eye makeup was ruined, but who cares! This surprise was orchestrated between Brandon Lee, Amy Staggs, Rebeccas friend Jane Andorra course, the talents of Brian and Brett. Were not done. You sang happy birthday to us and helped us eat a delicious birthday cake prepared by Cindy Sunshine. Then, we partied more. Champagne glasses were never empty. I really want to thank all of you for last night. It was truly incredible. I hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as Rebecca and I did. Thank you again for the most amazing evening. Thank you thank you thank you. Now go spam Rebecccas wall with love since today is her birthday proper! McManus out.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 01:55:19 +0000

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