Ah, stir the pot some - TopicsExpress


Ah, stir the pot some more. countdowntozerotime/2014/03/04/breakinglargest-oil-refinery-in-europe-it-is-located-in-tatarstan-russia-it-is-on-fire-was-russia-attacked/ ...Another financial system outage added to an unprecidented string over the past nine months or so that Ive noticed. Have lost count, but I think were approaching a couple dozen events. Cyber War or something even more nefarious? zerohedge/news/2014-03-03/japans-market-breaks Speaking of strings, add this one to rapidly growing list of high level bankers popping up dead recently around the world. Have you noticed the new variations of two words creeping into the pop-lexicon these last few years--suicided (as in He was suicided) and disappeared (as in He was disappeared)? newswatch.us/28-year-old-ceo-of-bitcoin-exchange-dead-after-possible-suicide/ Try tying these events and concepts together in different ways and weaving a story or two: Financial Implosion, Systemic Rot of Financial Latice, Financial Falsification/Fraud, Oil/Gas Reserve Falsification Worldwide, Ukraine, Arab Spring (destabilization/overthrow, overthrow of the overthrow) in Mid-East Oil States, Fraud/Dead Bankers, Falsification/Dead Bankers, False estimates/Dead Bankers, False ratings/Dead Bankers, False Reserve Estimates/Dead Engineers, Dead Bankers, Too Much Knowledge/Dead bankers, Legal Liability:Knowledge Asset Ratio = Too High/Dead Bankers. This almost looks like somebodies are using cheap paperback novels as their real world game plan.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 08:23:19 +0000

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