Ali Winford-Cormier Brittney Winford Derek Winford Terri Winford - TopicsExpress


Ali Winford-Cormier Brittney Winford Derek Winford Terri Winford Lane Faxon Lane Sutton Rogers Jerry Cormier I figured since chris hacked my fb account to drag my name through the mud Id like to set the record straight. Ali is saying that chris says I cheated on him yesterday when hes the one who did not come home. I sent a message to another guy yesterday after we broke up just to hurt him the way he hurt me and then deactivated my Facebook account. Then I ended up spending the rest of my day yesterday calling and texting him only for him to ignore me. And I blame ALI BIG TIME because everytime she and Jerry go on these extravagant trips out of nowhere that she knows chris and I cant go on together, he treats me like dirt and talks me like Im worthless to get me to be nasty with him so that he can go to Ali and say look what she said to go on these trips with them. EVERY TIME! If youve seen my Facebook page chris is all over it. I proudly post pictures of him and I together and of our family. If I was going to cheat on him Id just leave him. Hes not in the oil business or in the military. Hes home every day and everyday Im right there with him. Since he got fire AGAIN! weve been working in the tow truck together everyday because he asks me too and I loved spending that time with him thats how he and I met and how we fell in love. The first time he asked me to marry him I was working with him in the tow truck. I have not just been in love with Chris Im infatuated with him and hes been my best friend for 5 years. Im the one that just stood outside of Jerrys house from 10:25 to 1am crying and trying to talk to him through the upstairs window while Ali just stood there and watched me in pain though Im there for her everytime shes mad at Jerry and shows up with her suit cases. She hates me behind my back because of all times chris lies to her about why he left and enables him. She thinks shes looking out for her son but everytime she lets him stay there when we fight she damages our relationship more and more and strips down all that we have built together by not telling him to be responsible and make responsible decisions. Every time he leaves me and Kaelah with no money even though hes maxed out my cards, overdrawn my accounts and leaves me and Kaelah drowning in our bills that will be over due so that when hes has his fun and wants to come home we owe thousands of dollars and can only afford to work to pay off bills. THIS HAPPENS EVERYTIME! And no one will tell him he has to be responsible. He cant just make up lies about me to save face in front of mommy so mommy will feel bad and the bank of mommy opens right on up for him then he spends her down and when she starts getting into his finances he gets pissed with her and comes home. Hes 30. Hes not 3. We had a family and because we had no family support our relationship takes these huge hits every time and its harder each time to fix it. Chris knows hes wrong but wont admit right now but in few days or weeks he will be doing all the apologizing, crying and begging in the world like he always does and promising a fairytale and like an idiot in love I will take him back, and this cycle will repeat itself a few months later. And the only reason I hang on is because I know who he can be without his mother and sadly enough I look forward to my 60s with him when Ali will not be around to sabotage us and we can enjoy our retirement in peace. And thats sad because I dont have a mother and I always try to bond with Ali and shes always giving me her ass to kiss when Chris and I are fighting.
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 09:38:04 +0000

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