All I am saying is Research business ventures thoroughly before - TopicsExpress


All I am saying is Research business ventures thoroughly before jumping head first or perhaps choosing not to take the time to look deeply enough into what youre BUYING Into ,,because in my opinion if you Have to Buy into something to SAVE you money and chose not to promote and market this particular company then you are told to pay monthly Fees (dues) in order to usethese services. All along knowing you can go directly to the source to purchase for the exact same or even more savings such as Direct Buy ,,,Sams,,Costco,,Airlines,,,Priceline ,,Expedia,,Travelzoo,,,Etc Buyer Beware because things arent always what they appear to be. Thankful for all of my lifelong family and friends on here that I have known for such a long time and even the ones for short amount of time, I hold you All near and dear :) Sweet Dreams and Rest well Is World Ventures An Easy Income Opportunity? Nope. world ventures logo Whether or not you are an MLM fan, World Ventures seems like a pretty sketch business. If you do not know what MLM is, boy, you are going to learn a lot in this post. In a nutshell, this company says that by paying them a monthly fee, you are able to get special deals on hotels, flights, and other vacations-related stuff. What’s more, they say that if you promote the “business opportunity” to people, you can get paid to go on vacation. But there’s a whole heck of a lot more they don’t tell you. If you are looking at World Ventures for vacation deals, please watch the video below from 1:05 to 3:30. If you are considering them as an income opportunity, please watch from 3:30 onward. Ethan is a friend of mine, and he reviews companies like this, researches in details what they offer, and even goes so far as to dig into legal documents and news! So if that video wasn’t enough to put you off, check out what The Observer had to say about their compensation plan, ie how you make money from them. This is the part for people new to MLM. world ventures pyramid And don’t forget that you are going to need to recruit people to join your team, AKA downline. You are going to need at least 30 active members in order to start earning! Can you think of 30 people that are willing to pay a monthly fee for vacations, but don’t have the time or money to do the research on free sites like Expedia, Orbitz, or Travel Advisor? world ventures reps Do You Know What You’re Getting Into? So, we know now that the deals in World Ventures aren’t that great. We also know that their money-making opportunity is over-complicated at best, and sketchy by my definition. So why are you still considering joining? One last thing I want to mention is that you need to be aware of the type of program this is, and the type of people that are actively involved. The most aggressively promoted MLM programs have a cult-like following, where members attend meetings, mastermind groups, and other “group think” activities to boost morale, and often to sell bigger, better “opportunities”. Type “MLM cult” into Google and numerous stories will appear of past companies and the followers whose lives were destroyed (or almost destroyed). It may seem like a distant event, but these cult-like followings are still happening, even on this blog. One of the hottest MLM scams of 2013-2014 is Empower Network. Please read this post and scroll down to comment section to see the heated debate, and impassioned comments from supporters. Now take a look at this post where the same thing has occurred. Again, strongly worded, passionate defense of the company, shunning haters (non-believers). Here are two more examples from my own blog here (link) and here (link), both with examples of commenters verbally abusing me. You are welcome to ignore those posts, it’s basically the same trash from the links above. Other Income Opportunities If you came here looking for great deals on vacations, unfortunately, this is where we say goodbye. I’m not a travel agent. I have done a decent amount of traveling through Europe and Asia, and you can get some cheap hostels, hotels, and flights by searching in Google. But I do have some advice before you go. For flights, I use Orbitz. For hostels I use Hostel World or Hostel Bookers (sometimes their private rooms are nicer and more cozy than hotels. For Hotels I have had really good luck with Hotels. As far as activities go, I bring a used copy of Lonely Planet, and ask at the front desk when I get there. Yeah, that’s just how I roll. But if you are looking to make money, and think the internet is the way to do it, we need to talk. There are so many scams out there, and World Ventures is just the beginning. They are in the MLM travel niche, but the variety and level of misleading companies out there is infinite. Much of what I do on One More Cup of Coffee is review their products and programs and make their double-speak more understandable for everyone to understand. So before you get involved in any “make money opportunity” or “biz op”, please read these posts. I can make some recommendations for you, but first let’s get your head on straight. Internet Marketing vs MLM Make Money Online Quickly And Easily With No Investment (satire) When you have read these, have put down the punch, and are ready to start working, enroll in my free 5 day email course where I teach you the ropes of how I make money on the internet. It’s going to take some work, but it’s possible for everyone, even if you are not internet-savvy or a marketing expert. Author: Nathaniell (426 Posts) My name is Nathaniell and Im the owner of One More Cup of Coffee. I started my first online business in 2010 and now I help newbies start their own businesses. Sign up for my #1 recommended training course and learn how to start yours for FREE! There is Bliss to be found I suppose as well as voids to be filled in becoming a part of something as powerful as movements such as these...I for was extra thankful for choosing Not to share this venture with you especially after I came across this article tonight
Posted on: Thu, 15 May 2014 04:27:35 +0000

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