All I can say is Thank G-d for Israel, those of you who think the - TopicsExpress


All I can say is Thank G-d for Israel, those of you who think the so called Palestinians arent part of all this crap think again. They hate Jews the Temple mount never existed nor did Solomons temple the OLD & NEW testament is all myth the diatribe from Islam is endless. Sorry Muslim friends but the more I see and hear the more I am disgusted with Islam. I suggest dear Muslim friends since the Koran is an abomination of both the Bible the Torah and Talmud if you must have a religion then convert back to your original religion which would have either been Coptic Christian if you are a Semite or a Jew if you are a Semite. If you are a European Muslim then your religion originally would have been Orthodox Christian or Catholic. Lutheran Knox and Calvanist arose around the 17th Century roughly after Henry VIII of England divorced his Catholic Wife the widow of his brother and a few years his senior hence the arrival of the younger Anne Boleyne. So Islam your religion is a fake based on the original two main religions of the Med Basin and those Muslims who are Aryan i.e. Persia and Central Asia you would have been Zoroastrian, Parsi and a couple of others not well known. From Northern India and Afghanistan right through to the far East you would have been Shintu, Budhhist, Confusian, Hindu, Sikh. Islam did not exist before 640 AD less than 1400 years ago and a result of war mongering Barbarians trolling the world for power as you are doing today and in two waves, first the Nomadic Caravan Arabs out of the desert then the Ottomans who ruled from virtually the fall of the Holy Eastern Roman Empire to WWI then came Kamal Atta Turq and good man whose ideas have now been denounced and Turkey is back to the Ottoman Empire. WWIII is coming and it will be 2014 how long for god knows.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 15:10:54 +0000

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