All the Low T commercials have my head spinning. Please, please, - TopicsExpress


All the Low T commercials have my head spinning. Please, please, please make sure you actually have low testosterone levels before using medications designed to increase testosterone! Deficiencies in other hormones can have the same effect, so make sure youre addressing the right issue. There are many potential causes of low testosterone levels. For men dealing with low testosterone, here are a few approaches known to help: - Test to make sure your symptoms are caused by a testosterone deficiency and not by other physical illnesses. The symptoms of low testosterone can mimic many other illnesses. Make sure youre addressing the correct cause of your symptoms. - Clean up your diet. Eliminate all processed foods, all white flours and sugars, all soy, soda pop, hydrogenated oils, etc., etc. - Insulin resistance is one known cause of reduced testosterone levels. Work with a trained professional to reduce and target carbohydrate consumption and improve insulin sensitivity. - Exercise! Exercise is known to boost testosterone levels and to improve testosterone receptors. Theres just no getting around the fact we all need to exercise. Start slowly and work up very gradually. Try to combine small amounts of cardio or walking with weight lifting for best results. - Switch to stainless steel drink containers instead of drinking bottled water. - Clean up your body care and switch to all-natural soaps, shampoos, lotions, body washes, etc. - Sleep more. Men who get less than six hours of sleep per night tend to have reduced testosterone levels. This is in part because their body is tired and diverts its energy to tasks it considers more important than hormone production. - Check for nutritional deficiencies. Deficiencies in Vitamin D, zinc, magnesium and other nutrients are all known to be causative factors of low testosterone. - Check Candida levels and address any overgrowth. Candida tends to cause systemic inflammation that can cause the testicles to produce less testosterone. - Switch to a non-inflammatory eating style. As mentioned above, inflammation can directly impact testosterone production. Reducing toxins is a first step to reducing inflammation. Identifying food allergies, eliminating night shade vegetables, avoiding processed foods and drinking adequate water may all help reduce systemic inflammation. - Consider herbal alternatives. There are a number of herbal supplements known to boost testosterone production. Im not going to discuss them here because some have side effects, I do not believe they are appropriate for everyone, and because taking them with normal testosterone levels can lead to many challenges. There are times where physical injury, vasectomy, pituitary disorders, exposure to extreme toxins or other issues can cause testosterone levels to drop so low that medication is needed. I believe testosterone creams are often prescribed without doing adequate testing and without making the necessary lifestyle changes first. In extreme cases, testosterone pills and/or injections may be required to return levels to normal. When testosterone medications are used, it is important to test hormone levels frequently to ensure hormone levels are where they should be. There are a number of side effects with the creams, so they must be used with caution to avoid exposing women and children to the hormones in the cream. Use caution and research heavily before agreeing to use them.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 15:09:37 +0000

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