Allah calls Himself Al-‘Alee. How Can You Live by This Name? 1. - TopicsExpress


Allah calls Himself Al-‘Alee. How Can You Live by This Name? 1. Be humble. Among the good manners adorning a believer is submission before the glory of Al-‘Alee. Train yourself to submit to Him, and place no one or nothing above Him in your daily life. Fight your desires and train yourself to show patience and gratitude in all situations to please Al-‘Alee! Prophet said: Whoever humbles himself before Allah, Allah will elevate him. [Muslim] 2. Increase your sujood. When are we closest to the Highest? When we are in sujood, the lowest position we can be in! The Prophet taught us: Prostrate much because there is no Muslim that prostrates to Allah except that Allah raises him one degree in Paradise by it and forgives for him a sin. [Ahmad] The more you prostrate, the more you raise your ranks in paradise insha’Allah, until you reach the highest level, Jannat Al-Firdaws (Paradise). This is where the Prophet will be. And the roof of this particular level is the throne of Al-‘Alee! Make sure you don’t only prostrate with your body, but also with a heart full of humility. 3. Have many good deeds rising to Al-‘Alee. Say a lot of subhanAllah, alhamdulillah, Allahu akbar and la ilaha illAllah combined with your obligatory deeds. 4. Make use of the third part of the night. Al-‘Alee descends to the lowest heaven each night; make use of this time to ask, ask, and ask! The Prophet said: The Lord descends every night to the lowest heaven when one-third of the night remains and says: ‘Who will call upon Me, that I may answer Him? Who will ask of Me, that I may give him? Who will seek My forgiveness, that I may forgive him?’ [Al-Bukhaaree, Muslim] 5. Call upon Al-‘Alee. Call upon Al-‘Alee, using this beautiful name in your dua’, and ask Him with the highest aspirations for the highest Paradise without reckoning! 6. Say subhanahu wa ta’alaa. Make it a habit to say ‘subhanahu wa ta’alaa’ (glorified and exalted is He) when you mention Allah. Wallahu ta’alaa ‘alem.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 03:25:45 +0000

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