Allowing Liberal and Conservative pundits and intellectuals to - TopicsExpress


Allowing Liberal and Conservative pundits and intellectuals to paint all Muslims with the same brush is a sure fire way to alienate and disenfranchise otherwise perfectly amiable people. Meanwhile we are at war in several Muslim countries, and they are at war amongst themselves, and now a militant group (ISIL) has emerged which claims to fight against the West. All these young Muslim people who feel discriminated against and openly hated, now have a group through which to fight back.. There are two billion Muslims in the world. We do business with and are allied with some of the most radical and extreme Islamic States (Saudi Arabia and various Military Dictators) for decades.. and now theyre pissed we just sent 6 planes over to help the Americans perform air strikes which have already killed many innocent civilians... Ideas can be very dangerous. Islam has dangerous elements within it to be sure. But you can not judge or make predictions about people based on their ideas alone. Most Muslims are peaceful and favor a reasonably free society. If you take any ideology and apply violence to it for long enough, the people practicing that ideology will accommodate that violence with their ideology. Some of our political actors and intellectual pundits want perpetual warfare against all Muslims. If were not careful, heartful, and especially thoughtful aboit how we view each other, we may just have that despicable wish. A brief glance at history shows how easily people succumb to tribalistic fear mongering.. I am encouraged to read many thoughtful and level headed responses to recent incidents. I am also incredibly frustrated with the state corporate media for exploiting peoples ignorance and irrationality. I hope that Canada reemerges as a bastion of peace and freedom, instead of meddling in foreign civil wars and empire building. The military industrial complex is a twisted and tragic thing. In the broad spectrum of ideas, ours are by far the most violent. Lets hope that fundamentalist Islamic militants dont master warfare and domination as we have.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 06:59:24 +0000

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