Almost had a fatal car accident on the way home from work - TopicsExpress


Almost had a fatal car accident on the way home from work today.... A spider ran out from under my visor and hung upside down by its eight little sticky mutant legs eyeballing me just as I opened her up on the freeway. My fight or flight instinct kicked right in. Actually, it was flight first as I slid my seat back ever so slowly so as not to startle it and looked for a place to pull over. None was to be found. I was screwed. At any moment, it was going to leap into my hair and all hell was going to break loose. I was going to have to jump from my car on 405 S in rush hour traffic crying. So I stared it down while reaching for my day planner that I was prepared to sacrifice and throw out the window if push came to shove, when all of a sudden.... traffic stopped. Now was my only chance not to make a total ass out of myself by leaping from a moving car babbling incoherently or trying to explain to a cop why I rear-ended a Ferrari. Just as I went to smash it, it read my mind and freaking JUMPED from the visor to my side window. I hit it with my book and it bounced off the glass and landed at my feet! Holy crap. I may have screamed. Is it dead? When I got home, I searched for its corpse to no avail. You know what this means.... Its lived to fight another day, and come Tuesday.... its ON! Like Donkey Kong!!! =•\
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 00:56:25 +0000

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