Alot of you have gotten born again and for whatever reason has - TopicsExpress


Alot of you have gotten born again and for whatever reason has turned your back on Lord Jesus.. You know as I know your life has been messed up ever since..I know this from first hand experience.. When I backslide months later I got shot 3x..Know this when you backslide you are turning your back on Jesus telling the spirit realm and ppl Lord Jesus was NOT strong enough to deliver you from whatever situation you may have been in. Jesus is a JUST God, He has to issue out a penalty of justice to you and it is never nice....Again I know from first hand experience....I said all that to say man/woman up repent and get your hips in the arms of Jesus where you belong....1 LUV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS AN AWESOME BOOK TO READ IF YOU ARE A BACKSLIDER, I GAURANTEE YOU WILL SEE YOUR LIFE IN THIS BOOK...I DID AND IT BLEW MY MIND AND HELP ME UNDERSTAND WHY I WAS GOING THROUGH ALL THE THINGS I WENT THROUGH.... Isa 46:12 Listen to Me, you stiff-hearted and you who have lost heart, you who are far from righteousness (from uprightness and right standing with God, and from His righteous deliverance). 13 I bring near My righteousness [in the deliverance of Israel], it will not be far off; and My salvation shall not tarry. And I will put salvation in Zion, for Israel My glory [yes, give salvation in Zion and My glory to Israel
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 10:44:14 +0000

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