Alright, here goes. Let me be real with you all for a moment shall - TopicsExpress


Alright, here goes. Let me be real with you all for a moment shall I? I am sinner, like Paul stated probably the worst of all sinners if there were such a gauge on sinning. (For the record there is not, ALL sins are equal in Gods eyes). What many people may not realize or understand is that I am also a Pastor that has been called into ministry; a ministry that for lack of a better word is nontraditional. See, some Pastors are called to lead a flock of people in a building; some are called to be Pastors in foreign countries leading others to Christ; some are called to be Pastors in evangelism leading millions to hear His Word. I, however, have been called to something different. I have been called to spread His warning. Some might say what kind of ministry is that? Well Im glad you asked lol. It is a ministry for the times that we live in which are leading us to the end of things as you know them. Folks, evil has encompassed this world like never before. I could list plenty of details but we know them all. just spend a little time here on FB and you can see it. The warning I bring is one that all need to hear which is that you do not have much time left! You have no time to listen to false prophets that propagate nothing but how much you can claim for yourself, how great you can become or how much wealth you can accumulate. The truth is we spend so much time with traditions and lists of things we do that Satan has caused you to forget what its all about; Gods Great and Passionate love affair that He has with us!! A love affair that led Him to sacrifice His one and only Son to a cruel and unjust death on a Cross!! A love that puts us above ALL other Creations that He made including the Angels!!! A love that carries so far that there is NOTHING you can do to erase that love. Now, for the warning....The time has come that your chance to accept that love is almost over. One day soon Jesus will return to eliminate ALL evil from the world; and that includes those that chose to worship the Enemy and all his minions. When that day comes we will ALL bow before the King but for some that will mean an eternity of what they wanted all along, a life without God. So....lets stop listening to the nonsense that is spewed out today from the pulpits of many churches and self-proclaimed prophets. We have gone so far from the way God intended church and our lives to be that many will be sadly surprised on that day..... Many say I dont know what Im talking about or that because I have a drink and a cigar every once in a while that Im not fit to be a Pastor or that because I may cuss and call people out for what they care that disqualifies me as well, to them I say; read your Bible folks. (I could care less what version either). Look at Paul, David, any of the Disciples, take your pick they all had a past and had faults but guess what? God used them and will be using me and my beautiful bride as well. Dont agree with my teachings, viewpoints, and style of ministry? That;s ok, I love you anyway and so does my Savior. It is for Him that I do what I do and while sometimes my approach my need some work, the message is still the same. Stop playing church and religion and be a TRUE disciple of Christ. Amen? Amen? End of rant. Love in Christ, David
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 18:27:18 +0000

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