Also in honor of Veterans Day tomorrow. i am sharing this video of - TopicsExpress


Also in honor of Veterans Day tomorrow. i am sharing this video of My Philyum(daddy). MY HERO! My dad have been deployed to war areas several times, he has done and seen things most us wouldnt be able to but he stayed strong n came home every time to his family. And I am proud of him for that! A short story(bio) on why my dad is really my hero not just because he is a Veteran. I was taken from my birth mother at a few weeks I live in a foster home until I was 6months old weighing only a few pounds(@9 months I weighed 6.9lbs) so I was small at 6 months, I was a Failure to thrive baby meaning I wasnt suppose to live and i had quite a few needs but my daddy n his wife (momma) took me in and cares for me. The day they came to pick me up my dad wrapped me up in a blanket, a blanket that was originally only meant for their son who had passed at 7 months.( My mom did not know he had even gotten this blanket out) and I still have the blanket to this day.......... 2 years passed and I was officially adopted I was officially his daughter!! He has always been there for me ever since i can remember, im is HeatherMuffin, his little girl, princess, military brat. i know him and i fight alot! but no matter what i love him!( I have a lot to say buuutt FB isnt letting me type anymore soo I love you Philyum! Have a great day you deserve it you earned it!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 03:14:29 +0000

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