An extract from IPPC on sunday, 23rd of November, 2014 Pastor - TopicsExpress


An extract from IPPC on sunday, 23rd of November, 2014 Pastor Chris started by calling on Martin Phike to minister the song Super man. Glory to God, Hallelluia. I have Joy like a river in my soul. Is it true? Do you have joy like river in your souls. God owns this world and he want to manifest himself in this world to and through his people. He seeks to manifest himself to his children. The bible says the earth is the lords and its fullness thereof. You cannot frustrate God, there are no situation or circumstances that baffles God. He never need advise, he doesnt call the angels to advice him. He is never in a situation requiring help. I want you to know whom we are dealing with. Never think of him from the stand point of your personal situation. He said i am God is there anything too hard for me? The man Abram was assumed as the father. God said to him from now your name will be Abraham because i have made you a father of many nation. The circumstances of this life already defined him as the mn who will have no child. God lifted his vision and said i want you to look, as far as your eyes can see. Then God said anyone who identifies with you, is blessed with you. God said to him look to the North, south, East and West. As far as his eyes can see. God willed the world to Abraham, it was Gods choice. We are the seed of Abraham and everyone who receive christ is also the seed of Abraham. The power of vision is also given to us. God did not say that to Lot, but to Abraham and his seed. Not to him and his friends or uncles but to his spiritual seed which is Christ. In the book of Galatians 3 Paul present that idea. All of us who belong to christ are Abraham seed. That authority to see and possess was given to us also. What can you see. The prophetic gift is required for seeing and possessing. I wish all of Gods people were prophet. In the book of Joel God said to the Prophet In the last days i will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and the young men shall see vision and the old men shall dream dreams. The power to see and possess is in us so we can see your way out of trouble and into promotion, glory and blessing. As far as your eyes can see that i have given unto you. God empowered him to visionize, not trying to get. Too many of Gods children are trying to become something. The more you try the more it elude you. As long as you think it is not real then you dont know the power of God. Is there anything too hard for God? The question in the heart of the jewish people was can God furnish us a table in the wilderness. God said to them that i am going to give you meat till you are full. The next day there was a strong wind, quails came and there was no ground space for them rest and they were resting on each other. I am talking about the power of God. Everybody can be successful through the power of God. Why does God seem so small in your mind. If you can believe, he will surprise you. That is what these kind of meetings are for, sudden blessing, sudden change. God can shift things just to make room for you. Sudden opportunities, where it would have never been you. I walk in favour, unusual favour, divine favour. Suddenly a change. There is something about the anointing of Gods spirit. When you understand that you are anointed, no doors shall be shut against you. Are you ready for the big things with God. There are big things with God. By the power of the spirit of God that is working in me i will do greater things. I am being led. Gods vision comes in various ways. There are angels in this place, what do you think they are here for. Where is the brother from Iraq we are going to pray for him. Is one thing to pray for people that are afar and is another thing to pray for a representative of the people. Not only do you hear of iraq, but you have a representative here. Whatever work you are doing we will help you. We have entered the second part of the prayer, i am going to ask you what do you want us to pray for? Where are the leaders who came from srilanka? In some nations, they are passing through a difficult time to serve the lord. The gospel is free but it is not cheap. Jesus gave his life for us and even said he is with us even unto the end of the world. Have no fear for am with you saith the lord. Those of you at the back can you hear me? There is no much difference between those of you in front and those behind. The difference is what we call the golf of distraction between where you are and where i am. There is so much for you to see and enough to distract you. Is very easy for those who are closer to me to capture all i am saying. The more distraction you have,the lesser your concentration and the anointing. You have to cut out all that will distract you. A lot of time is not what God is giving out that is the problem, but what people are receiving. How much can you take, how much can you see. Whatever you can see thats what i have given you. It is never God who is the limitation, it is man who places the limitation. Are you fine? Let me hear you laugh, release yourself for God. Signs are not needed in the house of God, it is for unbelievers. God doesnt need to prove anything to his children. When we are being blessed in the house of God and someone is there thinking that he need a prove, you will miss it. You are his child, walk by faith those of us who are his children. In the house of God we should act our faith and receive. God does not prove anything to his children. Take your step of faith and do it. There are signs God does for unbelievers to see and believe. Signs and wonders follow them that believe. If you believe the miracle will stay and if you dont it will go away. Amazing grace how sweet that sound. Something is happening right now in your spirit and you will never be the same again. Samuel said to saul the spirit of the lord will come on you. There is a transformation now, am seeing certain of you who are actually pastors, you are often disturbed about the way you think. You often come to a realization that you have thought foolishly, how can you think foolishly. I will pray for you. I want to, together with you release that spirit of wisdom because what you need is the spirit of wisdom. Two things that are very important 1. Studying the word of God is of uttermost importance. Reading the scriptures Do you know why. I will like to open the scriptures and read something to you. 2Timothy 3:9-15 The scriptures are able to make you wise in the context, in consistency not worldly wisdom, but the wisdom from God. Godly wisdom that is consistent in salvation. The scriptures will make you wise, it should be used like medicine and understand that it cures you of every foolishness. 2. The 2nd is the holy spirit. Joshua has the spirit of wisdom because moses has led hands on him. The spirit of wisdom was impacted to Joshua by Moses. I will minister to you and stretch my hands on you and you catch that auction of the spirit. This is the house of God and when you have a need, the father meets you at the point of your need. What you receive is what you give, release your faith in such a way as to receive so much so that you can give to others. Do you know what, many of you here while this meeting is on, many of you have entered a new level. I am blessed, you have receive new tongues. Am full of God. Glory to God. The lord is blessing me right now right, i can feel his presence before me and about, i may not be able to say all his has done for me, the lord is blessing right now, right now. The lord has made me wise and wise counsel and he is enlarging my vision and many more are coming to you for you shall gather more and more. And the lords angel has gone before thee and this angel has more angel with him. He has increased your wisdom walk in the light of it. Have no concern about symptoms for they are merely symptoms. The lord is wonderful and the lord has used you in many ways but the time of conclusion is not yet saith the lord. I increase the grace that is upon you and health is made manifest. You will say what i have told you to say and they will hear it. The spirit of understanding has been given to you. The lord is wonderful, he is glorious. Many of you are going to cast out devils beginning from today. Are you ready to take it. These anointing that is released right now is very special, is so special because there are some things that the lord does that orchestrate circumstance at that time. You are going to find very unique circumstance organized by the holy spirit. Take as much of it as you can. I am hearing the spirit telling me something right now, he says son you dont need to do it by section he said i can do it for all. I want to tell you something about the Music concert, last year when we had the concert, there was a strong anointing for prophecy and God gave us some specific words that blesses us. The relationship between the ministry of prophesy and the ministry of Elisha, David, musicians. There is a direct connection between music and prophecy. 1chronicles 25:1-3 Today we will have these two together in a very high point. It is more than music concert. Get ready for it and write down what the spirit of God will minister to you. The Loveworld Music Concert start at 5pm. Make sure you are there. God bless you.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 00:09:05 +0000

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