And we the Nagas thinks that IRB/CDO wants to come to our place - TopicsExpress


And we the Nagas thinks that IRB/CDO wants to come to our place and imposed military rule..?? Come on!! lets face it.. they were just following their orders.. And yes two of our brave young man sacrifice their life so that we the Naga (Esp tangkhul ) could have a peaceful life....Now lets ask ourselves.. Was their sacrifice worth it after todays incident?? Wht about the candel light peace Rally across india last week?? Wht about the family who have lost their son?? Just because they signed up for indian army doesnt meant they are traitors.. They too hv family who needs to be feed.. Botton line,, We are the one who ask for military rule. RIP NAGA POLITICIAN. killing our own people in the name of christ.. Shame shame..!! My deepest condolence to the CDO/IRB Force who have lost their life and injured. Peace...
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 14:24:41 +0000

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