“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the - TopicsExpress


“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” Colossians 3:17 The Merriman-Webster dictionary includes the following in their definition of the word client – “one that is under the protection of another”. Does that not put those we provide a service to in a different light? Does it not give us a greater sense of responsibility and importance? Many of our jobs exist because we have clients. Some clients appear as a blessing to us while others test every ounce of self control skill we possess. All need Jesus and so we need to be imaginative in the way we share Him. A loving heart, a kind word and a prayer can go a long way. When we pray for a client they need not be present. We can go into our prayer closet and bring them to our Father and they need not know nor can they stop you. However, even when they are a few feet away and are not engaging us, we can silently, and in our hearts, honour them with prayer. If we assume, as the definition suggest, that we have a responsibility for our clients then we may feel obligated to share Jesus. Engaging our clients in our faith can be touchy. If we are self employed, we may have more freedom in this area. However, if we work for someone who does not want us to scare away the clients by talking about Jesus, it can be a little more difficult. Regardless of policy and restrictions we can share our faith without hitting someone between the eyes with a 25 pound bible or spraying them with spittle as we quote “thee” and Thou”. Francis of Assisi is credited with coining this evangelistic phrase “preach the gospel at all time and if necessary, use words”. Whether he actually said it or not is not all that important but the phrase touches on the simplicity of sharing Christ with our love. Jesus told his disciples that “everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:35). That love was also meant to be extended to those who were not disciples but were everyday people. The concept is simple and suggests we can practice our faith by loving and respecting those around us. As you read this article a favourite and another type of client came to your mind; thank the Holy Spirit for putting them into your thoughts. Now, consider taking a few more minutes to think about what you would want God to do for them and then ask Him to do it. Offer up a prayer that covers their physical and spiritual well being. Make a point of praying for them often and then, as you assume the role of their protector, be prepared to speak to them when the Holy Spirit asks you.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 08:13:43 +0000

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