Another example of how Plexus is not just a weight loss product - TopicsExpress


Another example of how Plexus is not just a weight loss product but a life changing product. Most rewarding job ever--Read this story: Where to begin. Almost 6 yrs ago I was finally diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, RA. But it is a debilitating disease and not arthritis. My immune system is attacking my joints, mistaking my joints for a virus or bacteria in my body. I say finally diagnosed because about 20 yrs ago I started having problems with my right shoulder. I couldn’t lift my arm or basically use it at all because of the pain. I was told it was just bursitis, it would go away on its own. This pain would come and go a few times a year from that point on. Then about 12 or so years ago, during one Christmas season working a kiosk in the mall, I started having problems with my feet. I could just barely handle the pain when I stepped out of bed every morning, and would somehow manage to tolerate the pain throughout the day. I bought $100 shoes, $25 inserts and hoped for the best. It helped some, but didn’t take away all the pain, just made it more bearable. About 10 yrs ago I was told I had carpal tunnel, in both hands. I couldn’t even pick up a bag of chips without pain and fear of not dropping it. This lasted for months at a time. And now, almost 6 yrs ago, I went to the doctor because I couldn’t open and close my hands without forcing them to do so. I was told it was tendonitis. I had blood drawn to rule out Lymes and who knows what else. But one test they didn’t do was to check my RA Factor. Somehow, I was referred onto a Rheumatologist. Then came more blood tests including the RA Factor. Yep, you guessed it, I finally diagnosed with RA. Now to explain the pain I have endured over all these years, which ironically became more frequent and considerably worse once I started on medications that were suppose to help me. The pain in my shoulders would keep me awake for days on end. It felt like it was dislocated and broken all at the same time. To sleep meant my body would relax, and pain would shoot through and pulsate. Can you imagine how difficult it was to take a shower and wash my hair? When it was my hips, I had to take baby steps to walk, hold my breath and brace myself when I tried to sit down or stand up. Lift my legs with my hands to go up steps, and hold the railing for dear life to go down steps. This was when I depended on my children, mainly my son to help me get in and out of the shower. When the pain hit my ankles and feet, I couldn’t walk at all. I had to crawl. Or my son would carry me. Again, I depended on my children, mainly my son to help me get in the bath tub. God love him. Who else can say they have an 18 yr old son that would do this for them? My daughter would help whenever she came to visit. Now as for my hands, there were days I couldn’t do anything to include get dressed. Again, my son came to my rescue. I had to have help with hooking my bra, buttoning my pants, ( I prayed every night that I wouldn’t have to go to the bathroom while I was at work), putting on socks and shoes. I forced myself to work through all the pain, (except the ankles and feet). I had to, I worked at Walmart and couldn’t risk getting fired if I called in sick. I used my intermittent leave of absent time for when I couldn’t walk. Just over 2 yrs ago, I did lose my job, which meant no insurance to help. I stopped going to the doctor, had to stop taking my meds. Without a job or insurance, I couldn’t afford the $200 doctor appointment every 3 months, the $175 blood draw every 6 weeks, and the $190 meds every month. Without the meds, the pain was still just as often and just as bad. So realization kicked in, the meds had not been helping me at all. But they did have an effect on my body. I found myself exhausted even after sleeping for 12 hours straight, depression was setting in from the pain. But I couldn’t give in to the thought of suicide, one of my kids would find me and I had this awesome grandson to top it all off. The pain was so stressful, more so than my job. My hair had become considerably thinner that it was, my eye sight had gotten worse, now needing bifocals. And while on one of the meds, I had developed pre-cancerous cells that required a laser surgery. At that point I was being watched extremely close by yet another doctor, to make sure there were no signs of the cells returning. At least I still had my job and horrible insurance to help with the surgery, I still had to pay $2800 of it though. In April 2014, a friend introduced me to Plexus. I jumped right in to help her. Little did I know how it was going to help me. With just the Slim, my RA flares were cut in half. Half the pain for half the normal time. Then in June, that friend and another asked me to try Probio5 and Bio Cleanse. I did hours of research on these products, all of the ingredients. I ordered them in July. Since August, my RA flares are next to nothing. A twinge of pain that lasts a day sometimes 2 days. Remember, the flares use to keep me from doing the basic things for myself, things most people take for granted, and the flares would last up to 3 months at a time. Now, give me one good reason why you haven’t even looked at what I post about Candida and Leaky Gut? Do you even know what that is? Why haven’t you even asked me a single question about Plexus? What are you afraid of? Maybe finding a way to get your life back? A way to reduce or eliminate your pain, fatigue, depression and possibly even your meds? What if this could help you too? What if…..
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 05:38:33 +0000

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