Another rant. This time in the flavour of music in response to - TopicsExpress


Another rant. This time in the flavour of music in response to a post I saw just now about why do people not come to original live music shows: --------------------------------------------- A lot of the problem comes from bad promoters, with an equal part of the problem coming from bands who dont have much savvy about how theyre doing things. Bad promoters will frequently not provide an adequate sound system/sound gear for the venue, making the experience bareable at best and painful at worst for the customers paying to come to shows. Also, lineups can sometimes be so varied that a young metal band will be opening for an acoustic act. Customers (punters) then associate shows with paying £3-5 to have an unpleasant audio experince of mismatched bands just to support their friends/family. Bad promoters also use their new bands or bands with a crowd pull as a resource to make themselves a cheap couple hundred quid over the course of 1 - 3 months. eventually, said bands crowd get bored of hearing the same setlist (As the band gig too much and dont leave themselves enough time to write new material, re-routing their songwriting time to setlist practice time) and are really really hard to pull back into the idea of SEEING LOCAL BANDS So thats problem part 1: MONEY HUNGRY PROMOTERS PROVIDING UNPLEASANT GIGGING EXPERIENCES FOR BOTH BAND AND AUDIENCE Secondly, Bands shoot themselves in the foot by (as mentioned above) once getting a 6 song setlist, becoming addicted to the idea of playing a show without a real benefit. Obviously you have to do a couple shows once youre at gigging standard to get used to playing live, but past that point, if a gig isnt paying you money or REALLY benefiting the band (weve all played those gigs to the other bands, barstaff and soundguy) why do it? Time spent practicing for a gig is time not spent writing new songs. A new song is another chance for a punter or someone in a position of influence to become a fan, or become an asset. BANDS, YOU DO NOT NEED PROMOTERS. YOU HAVE THE INTERNET. Bands should be putting on their own shows, picking their own soundguys (#Nemix) and providing a cultivating atmosphere for an audience member who leaves the gig thinking: They were great, I loved that.. I wonder who I can see next Instead of this: So glad to get out of there, that sounded awful, I hope they dont ask me to come to their next one Bands.. Break the mould and take back your own scene please. Rant Fin.
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 11:07:06 +0000

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