Any builder will tell you that the most important part of a - TopicsExpress


Any builder will tell you that the most important part of a building is its foundation. An office building can rise to dizzying heights, but, if its foundation isn’t sound, it will all amount to a pile of rubble. It’s interesting that the Bible deliberately describes Jesus as being the foundation of our lives, and there are three specific ways that He fulfills this function. First of all, a building’s foundation must be sufficiently deep. Once the depth for the foundation has been determined and the hole dug, there is no need to dig any deeper. In a spiritual sense, there is no need for a person to go any deeper than Christ. There is no spiritual mystery that does not have its answer in Jesus, for we are told that in Him are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Colossians 2:3). Another aspect of a foundation is that it’s single. It would be disastrous for a building to have two or more foundations because any seam would be a breach in its structural integrity. In our own lives, we need to understand that we cannot combine Jesus with another foundation. Our lives ought to be single in their focus, and we do this when we understand that our foundation is in Him and Him alone. Finally, and most obviously, a foundation is supportive. Every ounce of a building is ultimately supported by its foundation—its framework, windows, elevators, office furniture, even the paperclips inside are all held up by the foundation. Similarly, Jesus Christ supports every aspect of our lives. Big or small, massive or minute, there is absolutely nothing about us that isn’t ultimately supported by Him for as Jesus said, “without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). What a firm foundation we have in Christ! He is sufficiently deep, He is our single source of stability, and He is supportive of every aspect of our lives that we yield to Him.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 19:04:45 +0000

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