April 3, 2014 If Youre Feeling Overlooked and Unappreciated... - TopicsExpress


April 3, 2014 If Youre Feeling Overlooked and Unappreciated... / Lysa TerKeurst ( links.biblegateway.mkt4731/ctt?kn=13&ms=NDU1MjcwOTgS1&r=MjcyMDczOTY5MDES1&b=2&j=NDIwMzMwMDQ0S0&mt=1&rt=0 After removing Saul, he made David their king. God testified concerning him: I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do. Acts 13:22 ( links.biblegateway.mkt4731/ctt?kn=22&ms=NDU1MjcwOTgS1&r=MjcyMDczOTY5MDES1&b=2&j=NDIwMzMwMDQ0S0&mt=1&rt=0(NIV) Sometimes I wake up in the morning feeling a little grumpy. Time to do it all again. Ill buy food that gets eaten. Ill wash clothes that get dirty again. Ill sweep floors that will be littered with crumbs an hour later. Is there more to all this than just doing the tasks of everyday life? Before I jumped into the normal routine this morning, I sat with Jesus. And I found some big truths as I read my Bible and took a little glance into Davids life. Despite how others saw him, his own tendency to sin, and lack of position in his own family, David had the sweet reassurance of God. And that was enough. Overlooked by everyone else. Handpicked by God. To his older brothers, David was a pest. To his father, Jesse, he was just the youngest son. To onlookers, he was just a shepherd boy. But to God, David was the one destined to be king. And not just any king. He was from the bloodline from which Jesus would come. Overlooked by everyone else. Handpicked by God. Even the way David was anointed to be the future king is a telling story. In 1 Samuel 16 ( links.biblegateway.mkt4731/ctt?kn=18&ms=NDU1MjcwOTgS1&r=MjcyMDczOTY5MDES1&b=2&j=NDIwMzMwMDQ0S0&mt=1&rt=0God tells Samuel that He has rejected Saul as king and chosen one of Jesses sons to be the replacement. Think of the list of qualifications that must have run through Samuels mind for such a position: tall, smart, articulate, brave, groomed, well-mannered, a natural-born leader. Samuel saw some of these characteristics in Eliab, Davids brother. But the LORD said to Samuel, Do not consider his outward appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7 ( links.biblegateway.mkt4731/ctt?kn=8&ms=NDU1MjcwOTgS1&r=MjcyMDczOTY5MDES1&b=2&j=NDIwMzMwMDQ0S0&mt=1&rt=0NIV 1984). Overlooked by everyone else. Handpicked by God. Samuel had Jesse line up all of his sons before him. All of them were to be considered. Yet, Jesse didnt call David in from tending sheep. Was this an oversight? An assumption? A judgment call? A deliberate choice? Overlooked by everyone else. Handpicked by God. Samuel passes on each of Jesses sons and then asks, Are these all the sons you have? I imagine Jesse with a quizzical expression replying, There is still the youngest ... He is tending the sheep. (1 Samuel 16:11 ( links.biblegateway.mkt4731/ctt?kn=11&ms=NDU1MjcwOTgS1&r=MjcyMDczOTY5MDES1&b=2&j=NDIwMzMwMDQ0S0&mt=1&rt=0NIV) Surely one who spends his time taking care of animals is not the one to take care of a nation. Overlooked by everyone else. Handpicked by God. As soon as Samuel saw David, he knew he was the one. David was anointed to become king. But he was not immediately ushered to the throne. It would be many years before David was recognized by the world. So, where did he go after being anointed as king? To a refining school? A government academy? Military training? Nope. He went back out to the fields and continued to shepherd his flock. A king doing lowly tasks. A king whose character was being refined in the fields of everyday life to prepare him for his calling. How like us. In the midst of smelly laundry, dirty dishes, snotty noses, misplaced keys, overdue library books, bills, and that birthday gift that still needs to be mailed to Grandma – there is training there. There is character building. There is attitude shaping. There is soul defining. All of which must take place for us to become what God intends. Do you ever feel overlooked by the world? Take heart – we are handpicked by God. I am not just doing tasks. I am building a legacy. I am shaping Gods Kingdom. I am in the process of not only discovering my calling but that of my family as well. And I dont know about you, but it sure does make me look at my everyday tasks (yes, even the smelly laundry) in a whole different light. Dear Lord, Im grateful that even when I feel overlooked, I can rest in the fact that I am handpicked by You. Help me to live my life for an audience of One. In Jesus Name, Amen
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 14:11:25 +0000

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