Aramaic Bible in Plain English And a great sign appeared in - TopicsExpress


Aramaic Bible in Plain English And a great sign appeared in Heaven: a woman ? biblehub/multi/revelation/12-1.htm who was wearing the Sun, > and EggLundGuage ? Ugg^LND~G``G~ ? ANgel? Scene ? SCN ? White CONSTANT nite es OCTAVE black TH HT ? 4 hrs force FRS’th GRN = What CONSTANT octave mit BE warm WRLD NTH pluto ? What CONSTANT active nit BU cold RWLD NTH Mercury ? Bars orra CTV strps ? the Moon was under her feet, ? and < a crown of 12 stars on her head; R^ffDrFT ? .Is TRURTH HoNeSty ESTORouy`C o/\a TaeiN ? Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland.mp4 Emotion is TH HT Sation ? Add Motion ? + Genesis 1 ~A L ~M` ^ `N~ `N~ ? `O Z~ 4 Horse Mend MND ? What is 1 MEND ? White es 2 Mond ? 1mend = 1 MouyND ? DanIEL 7 ? DanIEXlL 12 MATHew 24 ? MOTHuw 24 ? DonOUL 7 DonOUXL 12 ? Mxst BREISTh ? CHAIST brxsTh ? WOMEN CLTH WXXXF 3 STER ES OC~ T `NT ? Active octve Xctv ? = MUN write THEE .Dress ? 3 stirs 4th wif 1th ? ( Past ScienceNSE ^ present SinceNSE ^ current SainthNSE ^ future SENSE ) 96 nit es = NiT is = es = X = = . = AEI = Cold ? X = OUY = ? Magnetism = ~ WHITE souydu ? MagnetisM = BLACK saeide ? Genesis nEvEn AEI i OUY sea sai DiviD Motion ? Multi Matein ? SubTRUCT MaeiTouyN ? Es. H8Lth S12LFty TestTOSTERaei`C a\/o NouyT ? A Different World Series S5E10 - To Tell the Truth New Test TouyaeiT CN tn NNT con TIN nent MotEhm? MadUhm Ohm ? Ahm ? x = 9 = . = 8 = E = e ? X =. = 9 = N = n ? .= X = 2 = T = t = teeth = TH = taeiCH ^ HouyLD TH^HT ? If you VIEW situation Family COMEDY & Horror History Show year A registered whys O Healthy ? Is GD A Se` Crete O INN MRR G is ? ◄ Hebrews 11:1 ► Parallel Verses Is faith thuht es DEED is Wrt tn ? Strn ? Healthy Mst green Hxs Guess xst melon tone you years Hxw ? New International Version Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Is GUIDE O Se’Crete INN = (( xLL sxxn)) is ILL’ LU ‘sion THUHT is SHAPE is COLOR shape is SENSE ? Is their wind with THUHT stxp ? THUHT is Constant you ? Aware + Aware = CON is WIDE the power es 2 type THUHT is ? TOPIC ((MXX)) Sub JECT = SPINE es SCIENCE is SPINE`ache C1 pbs C8 pbs t1 whyy t2 .Is + AD’D ? O sghn = (mst) safetys HEALTHYs ? A sghn & WND R = (PSLM st) is HEALTHY safetys ? Es. + MIX & push ? Memory is CON tin NENT tile yuo spine TIN you ? Is Evaporation & Condensation TEMPORARY & Periodic If PULL reach the pull is ITT y is A.nn.D? Ruffe` Dryfte` Connect Vls Healthy ? Egg Smpl ? Where THE Angel air GATHERED shew shll the BD B healthy ? SM wll Be LEAVE their DEW INN ? B LV = ? xSxMx healthy 1st ? ? sxmmx B LV des dewn day WLL ov lb. GEWD ? ? = & Gl mit is might is nite knight knit THUHT is IN DiViD you & dual wnd Extra Plain ilse ? CPU is R`ST the D`BL healthy view = Per se Cute EACH is es THUHT os. mck tmb ache Daniel 12 ◄ Matthew 24:19 ► Parallel Verses New International Version MatthEw 24 ? 18And he who is in the field should not return to take his clothes. ? 19But woe to pregnant women and to those who are nursing in those days. ? 20But pray that your escape will not be in winter, ? neither on the Sabbath. ? 21For then there will be great suffering, which has not been from the beginning of the world even until now, ? neither will be. ? 22If those days are not cut short no one would live, ? but because of the chosen ones, ? those days will be cut short. ? 23Then if someone will say to you, “Behold, =B hld ? The Messiah is here or there”, ? you should not believe. Wss Cnn Sn (CN KNCT TT ) Green LND ? Judah note is ? Scrib shrt Hindu Dan iel hnd ? SRV VNT all Days ? Is the deficit = Why we count For get got gut gewd god obvl belated 1st THUHT day Lrd ? DEED = DEAD = DEAF = vl & vl is VOL lume ? Vol Gin = Cotton Vol ? Wine Meat tile = Preiss Grxnd txlx gene ? International Standard Version ? For to us a child is born, ? To us a son is given; ? and = ? The government will be upon his shoulder, ~ = and ? Hus Chaff WRT TR strn mst xchx = ? His name is called Wonderful Counselor, ? = Mighty God, ? Everlasting Father, PRNC is safety es HEALTHY 1nd = Prince of Peace. If ALL Life Fore Gut wet dry THUHT salt Ups? ◄ Isaiah 7:18 ► biblehub/isaiah/7-18.htm New International Version ? In that day the LORD will whistle for flies from the Nile delta in Egypt and for bees from the land of Assyria. New Living Translation ? In that day the LORD will whistle for the army of southern Egypt and for the army of Assyria. ? They will swarm around you like flies and bees. If oll TIME Fore Get dry wet THOHT Sugar Diwns? If Year fore gave gove wet wave dry oil THUHT is Cinnamon Horizon txl 1 Healthy Scxpx? Dry SHOD = GOD Head Bodily is EXCUTXVE Brnch lady es lody Healthy Lr is Lr good safety ? Mount Alive = Maunt Olive ? 10Many will be purified, ? xMxDx = made spotless and refined, ? Wi wes Si yes = Wi Ked is SAFETY Healthy es why is ? Ked = ? De from = but the wicked will continue to be wicked. ? Science Channel = None of the wicked will understand, ? Discovery Channel = but those who are wise will understand. ◄ Daniel 12 ► New International Version The End Times 11“From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, ? there will be 1,290 days. ? 12Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days. 13“As for you, go your way till the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allotted inheritance.” Footnotes: a 3 Or who impart wisdom b 7 Or a year, two years and half a year New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. We the PEOPLE the MAY IDE is StotS StatS = The Govern (wrxt txr) is THUHT es X’ION (SHD) X`IONN is thht thht RIVER (SD) stxrn ? Is this True RELIGION wise ? Why Carry Li (es)(is) THE brary INN on YEAR Shoulder UN tile INN es Healthy is Safety INN G les ? If you CREATE the SHAPE ovbl Ject = Wind might is mit YOU NEWN if thiht is OUUTA year Syst tomb ache is ? THUHT is sense & you are THUHT all wave = SMELL ? Taste ? View ? Whaet is stir = How many STRX es 5`8 Ups WIDE ? Wheat es stxr = Haw anmy STORY is 5’8 WIDE Ups ? Lung is = SENSE is Sation ? Brain is THIHT = elect MOTE ceint is HOMO sap INN sense is scellve since ? Temple = Li Brary = ? Skll = Temp Pull = Periodic Temporary xLxm Mxnt UN veil= is the VEIL torn is THUHT 1 trxn es x ? Is REALITY rally were ITT is wise is HEALTHY 3th royalty is note neven Safety 1st ? Why seal thuht BK Ups JHN 15 tin NENT ohm Proffesor ? Is. Govern Mnt Healthy written EXTRA plain NOTION thuht thaht is thuht thaht grxw frime THUHT THAHT is thuht es ? Is. THUHT = B Hv Yr ? THUHT es . = (SENSE) is (STN) es SAT(i)TON .Es thoht SHAPE Crum INN Zone = Elect MOTE sense 1 MATE ARIAL ? Wet thuht = Dry Chrom o Zon ? Extra Smpl whys ? Sum mer = Sion uion mion ((((HEMiSPHERE)))) Mion eion rion ? Ag Syst = Egg Simple 4 wnd is Space the W````/````/`` i(de) is Frxm = 4 time & 4 time & es 2 time (1G) byt`eros is Romance ? Summer Winter = ov lb ? Wint er es = Gin Der is ? ? 1 Cy Cl` Elect scellve = (X) a1 e1 i1 (X) o1 u1 y1 (X) = PBS (a) GENE A2 e 2 i 2 NOTE ……,,, WET’air xBRxKx = is THUHT spine tin nent ((((( XNX & MNX))))) CON = wide = SPINE = Tile GENE = Longitude Lattitude = LL = TELEO mere IS rease THUHT ? If every THUHT is ‘Rey ‘peat ‘SPONSE es THUHT year OINLY in’divid’u`al is go to 1 Ability is ? Dry’oil Haelthy ? = CEINT is year Kd`nd 6nd ////eiawts\\\\ Wet’oil Healthy ? = SENSE es yaer Kid`ney 1th ////waiets\\\\ st Sick EALTHY thuht & STATS thuht ID DEED Self exam INN notion & Light is lit es lt us ((GRXW)) U`Ni Te`GATHER year THUHT healthy is ? 1 Ev vE Safety is HEALTHY 1st THUHT ? 1 Notion – 2 Notion = es THUHT con stant notion ? 1 Notion = 1 Sub Ject ? 1 Notion = 1 Shape is SENSE thuht wet dry is Me Mi ore air ray Is ? 1 Notion = 1 Aware ? - = WebMD coolMATH = - - = is Mi NUS all wave PULL Xvl’Cient ? Is MATURITY all the wave YOU WROTE diwn you are able to RE`COVER INN frime healthy ? JO EL 2 biblehub/joel/2-28.htm NET Bible ? After all of this I will pour out my Spirit on all kinds of people. ? Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your elderly will have revelatory dreams; ? your young men will see prophetic visions. B lv 1rd = X pln 1nd ? Wet WIND is HEALTHY touch & safe DRY Hxn Dx is DEW 2 Mist `result SEW is 3 mxst xchx ? (B=6000 HV N=3000 Year=12000 ) = Tomb time is ( 1th Lung`Egg HV H Land`Age 6rd ) ? Eros is RO Mance ? Age es RU Monce ? Eras is XGG’ rxm ‘xx xs E gypt A ? Erxs es XGG ` rxm` xx xs O gypt E ? Is. Twin`Kle (ov`lb.) = 2 Un`Cle Wxnd is THOHT dry oil ? .Es 1 Sub`Ject wi est = 4 Ma`Ment is healthy ea ist ? 4 m mnt is = Sect’ (ion) & Di’ (Stance) 4 m mnt = is WET (pi) & DRY (rouy`di`u is ) & year (THUHT) 4 Mo Ment es = WRT `TR = wrt` tn ? 4 Twincle = Mist Mst X ((mast)) is GREEN ((((hxxs)))) GXXSXS (is) EAIST (A Jxs`sx)( O`Bxd) YOU WIAST ? 4 In Stinct is = `Strn = str `rn ? 15 mo ment + 15 ma ment = is (30) wet (COLD) name this (spxcx) SECOND 2st ? ((( is + plus all wave AD’D ohm ? ))) (((wise INN DiViD is Vls INN Healthy safety 6nd ? )) ((( INN FORE give the is se’cond 1st name ))) N stnt = 15 mu mxnt + 15 me mnxt = 30 Dry (OV’eeg) tu’ bl (es) HEALTHY is ? FRUIT euphrate is = Wet (dry) type ? VEGETABLE PiShon es = Dry (wet) type ? UN SEC. .OND name why 1rd vocabulary ? 4 wind = PortuGuise Saint’es SENSE is YEAR Ni` Te ? 3wind = Spanish CIENT is SCIENCE es WET Ev `Ve ? 2 wynd Italion since eros IDEA thuht es thiht MRCH is ITT scene DSK age eras ? 1 wxnd English es sand is THIHT loin es ACC ESS 1 card HEALTHY wealthy ? .Is. 2’Day ((‘c.o.d.e. tu’)) es 1Dxxy 1 UN it es is the ? (((is + plus all wave ad’d wise DiViD INN ))) Wet (oily) AIR cov a lent BND dry ? DanIEL 12 Name THE se` con`d HEALTHY is = M Mnt (((( …. …. )))) = 4 mo ment Is. = 1 Topic Wet’Air ? Cov Lent thuht .Es ? = 1 topic .es 4 ((((Mo Mont)))) E’v’E~`*lb. Weist N ev ve N ? Twyn’klu ((2 Aunt`tu)) ray`di X me tour is U) = aei [x] ouy6 W N D ? H aei((X2))ouy e eeiAa(((X3)))uuyOo }+{ R eeiAa[[[[­X4]]]]uuyOo O eeiAa[[[[[X5]]]]uuyOo ­ = 1 C Cl ? aei [x] ouyVN (aei [x] ouyN` ? aei [x] ouy Haei Eaa’ei Raaa’ei Oaaaa’ei Eaaaaa’ei = A Different World Series S5E10 - To Tell the Truth UPLOADED BY ARTEM ALAGIZOV
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 10:40:45 +0000

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