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Archive for the ‘Quotes’ Category What Is Life Reflecting Back To You? Posted in Life Lessons, Personal Development, Quotes, Relationships, tagged Anger, inner peace, Life, Life Lessons, Personal Development, Quotes, reflection, reflections, Relationships on June 18, 2012 | 11 Comments » “When you squeeze an orange, orange juice comes out – because that’s what’s inside. When you are squeezed, what comes out is what is inside.” –Wayne Dyer Have you ever been listening to a friend, loved one, or co-worker complain about something that someone else did to them, only to realize that this person is guilty of doing the same thing? Years ago I heard that life reflects back to you the way you are. Hmmm. I’m not going to go so far as to say that I agree with that 100% because people get treated in ways that they would not treat others. It seems like sometimes life is just showing us the differences in people, and it is not always pretty and not to our liking. However…I do know that there are times when I know this “reflection” thing to be true. Of course it’s easier to spot it when it is happening to someone else. I’m not talking about the pleasant stuff — I think most of us feel that we deserve what we consider to be the good stuff. I remember when I first put the question to myself. I don’t remember what the specific details were of the incident but I do remember it involved my supervisor at the time. I think she had reacted in a way that I didn’t like. What I do remember is that I posed this question to myself…”Do I ever act/react like that?” After quickly thinking about my work relationships my answer was a definite “NO.” So then I asked, “Do I react this way at home?” Ding, ding, ding, winner, winner! I’m not one of those fly off the handle when angry kind of people. Sure, I had moments of frustration at work but nothing made me lose my temper at work. But what I did realize was that when I got really,really upset over something concerning my hubby, I made sure I let him know about it immediately — because I could not stand to let the uncomfortable emotion continue to churn inside of me. No, I didn’t yell or scream to make my point but still he felt attacked and went on the defensive. My thinking was that I just wanted to get my concerns resolved but looking back I see there was more to it than that. I realize now that I also wanted to get the energy out of me. Once I became aware of my behavior, I worked on changing it. We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” — Anais Nin The other times I witnessed this “reflection” thing was with other people. People who lied to or deceived someone else were in turn lied to or deceived by someone else. But yet these same people would not make the connection. Yes, people will lie to you, but the stuff I’m talking about is definitely of the “reaping what you sow” nature. Another example is hearing someone say how their sibling just will not listen to them about anything, they just do what they want — and what they are doing is not working. Well I really had to bite my tongue on that one. My thinking was, “I really feel for you, now you know how I felt when you didn’t listen to me and it all ended badly because you didn’t.” Instead I just calmly said, “Yeah, I know it can be very frustrating.” Then there were the times when I listened to the person with anger issues complain about how their sibling displays anger. The truth was…these two people displayed anger in the same way. One day I was actually able to calmly and lovingly express my observation and the impact of just letting anything fly out of your mouth (not that I hadn’t expressed the impact of words before). You know how some people can dish it out but can’t take the same in return — well this person is like that. Our children can also reflect traits that we have but don’t see in ourselves. When the Universe shows us the way we are, it may come in a way or from someone we don’t expect. It is not necessarily going to come from the person or entity you treated in a specific way. So, the next time something (a situation) or person upsets you, ask yourself if something is being reflected back to you. Food for Thought: “If you’re looking for inner peace from the outside world, you’re not going to get that. The inner peace starts with you looking at you from the inside. Understanding that everything that comes to you is what you are. Everything from friends to boyfriends to the job you get – it’s all a direct reflection of what you are on the inside.” –Mary J. Blige You might also like: Where Are You Running? Having A Bad Day? What Do You Say When You Get Angry? Share Read Full Post » Life Is Not Always Easy Posted in Life Lessons, Personal Development, Quotes, tagged bamboo, Chinese bamboo, Life, Life is not always easy, Life Lessons, Life quotes, persistence, Personal Development, videos on October 9, 2011 | Leave a Comment » “Life is not always easy. And that is a major reason why it is so precious. Many of life’s best rewards are possible only because you must work your way through difficult challenges to get to them. If everything in life were easy, there would be no opportunity for real fulfillment.” –Ralph Marston Where do we get the idea that our life is supposed to be easy? Why do we think that when we start something new, things are going to go smoothly and happen in the timeframe in which we think it should happen? Why do we think that we should get results for our efforts when we want them? About a month ago I watched the movie “Big Stan.” One part that stands out is when Stan, a weakling, is undergoing physical strength training. In the beginning it seemed like he was undergoing torture, but what the training was doing was toughening him up and teaching him how to fight and defend himself. Now this didn’t happen overnight, it took him 5 months of training every day for hours and hours to accomplish his goal. Although this movie was a comedy, the strength training scene came to mind a couple weeks later when I was feeling frustrated about something. It was an “A-ha moment,” a “light-bulb moment.” I realized that I was being too hard on myself. I realized that this was my training period and results were not going to happen any sooner because it was my wish and I felt “ready,” like I knew all I needed to know. Thinking of the movie made me smile and relax. I knew I was to keep on the track that I was on and to keep learning, and improvement would come in time. Since then, I’ve been thinking about life and how we like knowing what to expect and knowing when we are going to succeed, or…if we are going through a tough time, when the tough time is going to end. But life has other plans. We may be thinking we are just trying to reach a specific goal of our choosing, or we’re just going through a difficult time, but perhaps life is developing other things in us, as well as teaching us. Share You might also like: Life’s Struggles Everything has a Price to Pay Falling Down Life Read Full Post » Breaking Up is Hard to Do Posted in Life Lessons, Personal Development, Quotes, Relationships, tagged break ups, breaking up, breaking up is hard to do, How do you get over a break up?, How do you mend a broken heart?, Life, Life Lessons, Love, Quotes, Relationships, sad love songs, videos on July 21, 2011 | 19 Comments » “It’s hard to tell your mind to stop loving someone when your heart still does.” Many of us have experienced the pain of a broken heart when a relationship comes to an end. One of the things we do to self-soothe is to sit, or lay in bed, while listening to our favorite “sad” love songs over and over and over again. And then one day, you just stop listening. How did you get over your breakup? Recently someone very close to my heart broke up with their longtime love. They said the break up was mutual. This is/was their first love. I’ve been offering words of advice to help the person get through this painful time but I know that my words have only offered temporary relief from the pain and sadness. I know that things just have to run their course. This got me thinking… “How do you mend a broken heart? How do you get over a breakup? What lessons can we learn when a relationship comes to an end?” Now I’m not talking about the negative things we might say about the other person, like… he/she is just a jerk, cheater, insensitive, a**hole, too possessive, too jealous, too controlling, crazy, cheap, depressing, selfish, etc. What I mean is – “What does the end of a relationship show us/teach us about ourselves?” I’ve decided to explore this further and in the future will write some blog posts on this subject. For starters, I’d like your help in answering this… How do you mend a broken heart? How do you get over a breakup? When it comes to relationships and their ending, I think many of us have heard the saying… “It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.” – Alfred Lord Tennyson But it sure doesn’t feel like it when you’re experiencing the pain of heartache/heartbreak. We feel the loss like we’re an addict going through withdrawal. “Love is the hardest drug to quit, but it is even harder when it is taken away.” (author unknown) Maybe you noticed that things were different between the two of you. You may have felt the person distancing themselves from you. You may have had a feeling that the end was near… Or it happened suddenly… “Breaking up. It happens kind of suddenly. One minute, you’re holding hands walking down the street, and the next minute, you’re lying on the floor crying and all the good CDs are missing.” – Kennedy Kasares The pain is excruciating. You didn’t know you could hurt this much. You really want this pain to stop. Time goes by, it still hurts, and you think – ‘Is time really on my side?’ because… “They say that time heals all wounds but all it’s done so far is give me more time to think about how much I miss you.” – Ezbeth Wilder You’re obsessing over him/her and feel… You know you can’t be friends … But you’re hoping and praying he/she will come to his/her senses and realize… “Ain’t No Sunshine” (by Bill Withers) You just want to wake up from this nightmare. You want to hear your loved one say… “Baby Come Back” (by Player) OR “Let’s Stay Together” (by Al Green) Everyone says… “If someone you love hurts you, cry a river, build a bridge, and get over it.” – Anonymous But even though you try you… “Can’t Let Go” (by Mariah Carey) Because you still believe … “We Belong Together” (by Mariah Carey) You know that … “Living in the past causes you to miss out on the present. Life is too short to let it pass you by.” But your heart is saying… “I Still Believe” (by Brenda K. Starr) Maybe you were the one who initiated the breakup, or maybe the breakup was mutual. It may hurt, but just remember that no one is… “Irreplaceable” (by Beyonce’) Even so, at the end of the day all you really want to know is… How Can You Mend a Broken Heart? More on this topic in another post. One thing I do know for sure is… You’re going to need some music therapy. If you’re a woman, you’ve got to sing the women’s national anthem many, many, many times! “I Will Survive” by Gloria Gaynor And eventually you will be singing this song… Remember… “No matter who broke your heart, or how long it takes to heal, you’ll never get through it without your friends.”
Posted on: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 16:31:04 +0000

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