Are we Aussie’s being taken for a ride? I believe our present - TopicsExpress


Are we Aussie’s being taken for a ride? I believe our present pollies are ripping us of and are not worth the tax payer’s money we pay them. It makes no difference which party is in office in today’s world corporations run governments, Liberal or Labour are beholding to the big end of town. In recent times John Howards Liberal Party had the best chance since the Second World War to secure Australia’s future when during the boom time, billions of dollars poured into treasury and he and Peter Costello handed it out like drunks to big business and tax relieve that the ordinary Aussie were saying they would rather it went to education and the health services. We have sold off to many of our assets and still we run up huge debts, one day there will be nothing else to sell. Our assets also include our resources, they too will one day be gone and so will the companies who own them. Fly over Nauru and see what our landscape will look like in years to come, Nauruan’s once the richest people on earth now the poorest after their resources were taken by big business. They survive now by being prison guards for Australia’s refugees. Australia should take a leaf out of the Norwegian governments system, we may still have time to save our future, look at the way its government is elected. Norway has $ 185,000 put aside for every man woman and child, it collects 60 billion a year from its resources tax. One wonders if Aussie’s realise that the iron ore, coal, gold, silver, lead, bauxite, copper, gas, oil, and all other resources belong to them and that all you need is a miners licence to extract them?. Wake up Australia before we become another Nauru. The first step to take is stop giving the mining companies 9 billion a year in subsidies, and if they don’t like it ask for their mining permits back.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 00:44:39 +0000

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